Maybe JB should release Crabtree

totally agree. u get paid where u r drafted. not where u should have been drafted. ray maualaga shoulda been top ten didnt go till second round. straighten upcrabtree
dude got a big ego thinking he the best
he should be happy he got drafted period
they should just tell him to #!@* off then

dumb #!@* thinking hes worth that much money, he needs to get his $+* beat and then they can make it rain on him with singles in 100 dollar increments forabout 22 seconds afterwards n remind him he will never make that money with an attitude like this
And to think I wanted the Jags to draft him. I'm glad they didn't bcuz he is acting like a straight diva. Does he really think that someone would drafthim next year with the attitude he's presenting? He really needs to re-evaluate hisself but JB should drop him and honestly so should the Niners..too muchbaggage and drama.
In the NFL, the contracts are not guaranteed and the owners will cut you, even due to injury. You gotta get that money. Its stupid to have your agent makethreats like that publicly but it is what it is. he'll suffer bad fanfare, but his bank wont. (i have never seen him play so dont think im defendin himcause of being a fan or somethin...)
kid has a huge ego he needs to prove himself in the nfl before he starts being the next t.o. just take the millions of dollars for a couple years and thenprove that your worth a big contract
Crabtree's doin him and I feel he thinks this best for him , Have @ it , JB doesnt need to rip his deal
he doesnt deserve to be in JB he should just sign with the 49ers and take wat he gets he wasnt drafted in one of the top 3
here we go again. some of these pro athletes are ridiculous.

let him sit out or better yet never catch a single pass in the nfl.

same goes for ricky rubio.
Originally Posted by bradlasseigne

dude got a big ego thinking he the best
he should be happy he got drafted period
dudes gettin all that money and he wants more and he hasnt played a damn down yet
He just tryin to set himself up so if he does have a career injury he will be paid, there is a long list of athletes who have one injury and all of a suddenare unemployed so y not get that money while you can. I don't blame him
btw JB shouldn't release him....
Dude got drafted 10th overall, op.

I don't say cut him, he was the best receiver in college and possibly the best two seasons for a receiver in college history. He should have been draftedover DHW, but when you have a half dead owner making moves, anything can happen.

Crabtree got thrown into a horrible team. I could understand why he would only play for them with big money. He doesn't have a worhty quarterback to throwhim the ball!
I don't know why they signed him in the first place

They should drop this bum and sign Larry Fitzgerald
How bout NO! If u had his talent and was set back like he was he wants to be paid for how he plays. He's a top 5 wr when he plays and he feels like heshould be paid like that
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