Married Folks - How, When....everything running smooth?

Jun 21, 2009
Marriage in current American standards seems to be losing its essence, with 48% of marriages leading into divorce it's hard for a 21 year old to believe in it. So I'm calling out all married folks to shed some light on the how you met that special person, when you met that special person, and how has it been going since you slid that ring on that finger. 
Originally Posted by jthagreat

I would suggest any 21 year old to stay away from marriage at all cost.

haha, im not leaning towards getting married homie, I'm just skeptical of its meaning in today's society. Grown folks shedding some light on it would be key
I'm not married, but the majority of folksI know that are might as well not be. Alot of ppl seem to do it b/c of image.No one seems to respect marriage nowadays.
I meet him at work he was my boss however I left that job before I started dating him.

Been married for 10 years last month.

I got married when I was 25 he was 37.

Its been great.
lemme see...

ive known my girl since we were 2 yrs old

we started dating at 16.... were both gonna be 23 now...

we have a 3rd old son ...

weve been livin together for 2 + years now

were "pratically" married

i havent asked her yet cause im not happy with myself as a man yet, but ima gonna soon

how do i like it? shes like my best friend, i can joke with her, be serious with her, we have our fights but move past them, i trust her and she me, and i do love her.... we have space and do things without one another but we also do have family time which helps....

all in all, do it ONLY IF READY.
Dont go for the dime all the time (didnt mean it to rhyme)...anyway. Too many guys looking for that 9 or 10 When that 6 or 7 is your soulmate and gonna make you happy for the rest of your life. I know it sounds cliche but my wife really is my best friend.

Also people shouldnt get married because they have been together a while. I got a guy at work he is 20 and asked if he should marry his girlfriend. I said why would you want to do that. He said, well we have been together 3 years. I was like so what, there is no timetable. If I were to give advice I would suggest that a person not get married before the age of 27. i would say even later but you gotta have time to start a family and it becomes more dangerous for a woman to have a baby after 30.

So all the youngins out there. Enjoy youth, there is plenty of time for everything.
I'm not married, but it seems like an exercise in futility. The fact that people applaud at couples whose been married for >5 years says a lot.

...I know I'm jaded due to the fact that every married couple I've had a chance to watch develop, fail. But damn, it has to be the harsh reality. one of my favorite comedian's 'Bill Burr' said "If you knew that half of the parachutes you used weren't going to work before you sky dived. Why in the hell would you jump?!"

*edit* I honestly hate to come off so cynical. I'm just speaking from what I've witness. For me to at all discourage someone from marrying someone that they love, is never in my character. By all means, please pursue. However, please be risk-adverse with your decision..
I'm getting married next month!
Girl of my dreams!
Got married last year.

I dated her for 6 years prior. Met in college. One of the best feelings aside from having a child.

Being married hasn't changed anything for us. Just a legal piece of paper and nice ceremony for our family.
Me and my girl crossed paths 3 times before we actually got together when she was 14 and I was 15. We been together on and off ever since. Got a 1yr daughter, actually livin together for 2yrs, and finally set the date for our anniversary in July. After bein together for 8+yrs, I realize that we both aint goin anywhere and I need to many up and take that step. I'm 24 and ppl think it's too young but u can't put an age limit on things like this,
Originally Posted by air max 87

lemme see...

ive known my girl since we were 2 yrs old

we started dating at 16.... were both gonna be 23 now...

we have a 3rd old son ...

weve been livin together for 2 + years now

were "pratically" married

i havent asked her yet cause im not happy with myself as a man yet, but ima gonna soon

how do i like it? shes like my best friend, i can joke with her, be serious with her, we have our fights but move past them, i trust her and she me, and i do love her.... we have space and do things without one another but we also do have family time which helps....

all in all, do it ONLY IF READY.
Interesting...whats your parent's take on the whole marriage image and kids out of wedlock thing?
Also, is your girl happy with not being officially official? Would you know?

..jsut curious. I feel like, now at 25, I dont see myself marrying anyone, since I'm not pleased with my self yet AND i'm a pain in the @!%. And i know it. And women know too, but they need to not try change me and let me do it when I'm ready. Eh well
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