Make sure you know what goes on at your child's school


Jan 2, 2011

burn him alive
The neighbor was like "I'm not surprised" and didn't do a little more to expose him???
Originally Posted by megatron

The neighbor was like "I'm not surprised" and didn't do a little more to expose him???

dude saw the teacher on a bike with one of the school students and didn't say %@*%
1.  The lead it?  "If it weren't for a spoon....and seman he might still be a teacher"  ummmm
2. Comes back to the anchor dude says "this is so interesting" no its not its disgusting.

So he has been accused of taking naked pics of the kids? or just pics in the class room with the kids blindfolded?  He fed them man juice and sugar mixed together as a treat?  It never said he raped them did it? or conclusively said he touched them naked did it?
Good riddance.
I hope he rots in jail and is fed sweet treats.
Originally Posted by Jking0821

1.  The lead it?  "If it weren't for a spoon....and seman he might still be a teacher"  ummmm
2. Comes back to the anchor dude says "this is so interesting" no its not its disgusting.

So he has been accused of taking naked pics of the kids? or just pics in the class room with the kids blindfolded?  He fed them man juice and sugar mixed together as a treat?  It never said he raped them did it? or conclusively said he touched them naked did it?

he's accused of feeding them semen.
he would play games with the students, then blindfold them and reward them with a "treat" (the semen).  He would take pics of all of this & took the pics to a cvs to get developed. One of the people developing the pics thought something wasn't right with what he saw in the pics &  thats what caused the police to start investigating 
I read this yesterday. Made me angry and sick to my stomach. Those poor children will never be the same. Sadly the state of Cali's prison system is set-up to put people like this on a protective custody yard with all the other skickos just like him. I hope he get exactly what he deserves......
its the big news out here in LA since yesterday, and trust the general tone of everyone is straight up disgust. one of the news reports said the school tried to get at him last year but parents/PTA protected him (obviously they didnt know)...just crazy and sick.
Originally Posted by megatron

The neighbor was like "I'm not surprised" and didn't do a little more to expose him???
There's a big difference between a "creepy" neighbor and an outright pedofile and sociopath like this guy.
I don't blame him... you can't predict something like this. 

edit: just heard the line about him seeing his neighbor and a small girl and didn't report it. He probably should have said something then. Still, I don't know if I would have done the same thing in that situation. 

sad sad story.
Originally Posted by Space DooDoo Pistols

couldn't imagine being a parent & looking at my kid thinking "you ate sperm."

I know!
My man really mixed sugar & his spunk?! Spoon fed it to little boys?! I'm done!

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]My son is in school, first grade.... All would be beat within an inch. Teacher, Principal, and anyone who got in my way.[/color]
Originally Posted by im that one

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]My son is in school, first grade.... All would be beat within an inch. Teacher, Principal, and anyone who got in my way.[/color]

My little boy starting kindergarten this fall and i'm already scoping out teachers and administrators demeanor.
Tryna give them the "you better not %%%$ with my child or you'll lose your life" mean mug during open house.
yo #@@ is it with old men and little boys recently? this pedophilia thing is getting out of hand
I deal with children and with all of this stuff coming out as of late, I try to make sure I am never 1-on-1 with any child. Boy or girl, doors always open. We can talk in the hall way. The thing if, if someone doesn't like you, they can just make up stuff about you doing something with a child and you are done. I try not to make any enemies.
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