Magic Johnson, your still

Jun 21, 2009
I know he's got the type of money to get the best treatment in the world but this is ridiculous. It's damn near been 20 years since he's had thedisease and by this time it should have been full blown aids. Not to mention he's as big as Charles Barkley, looks completely fat and happy. Not only do Ithink he's got some ridiculous treatment, I honestly think he's cured and not telling anyone because others with the disease would absolutely goinsane.
my neighbor is piss poor and he's had aids for over 20 years

granted he doesn't look as fit as magic, but he's living.
$$$$$$$$$$$, they say he has very trace amounts of HIV in his blood due to daily transfusions.
Money. They have a cure for HIV and AIDS however, they won't release it for reason I will keep under wraps. Just like the cure for Cancer
Some people are naturally more resistant to HIV/AIDS than others.

There was a woman in Africa who was completely immune to it.

He got the best treatment from the best doctors, it's not unimaginable that he's still living.
Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

Money. They have a cure for HIV and AIDS however, they won't release it for reason I will keep under wraps. Just like the cure for Cancer

speak up
Originally Posted by Tfromthe617

my neighbor is piss poor and he's had aids for over 20 years

granted he doesn't look as fit as magic, but he's living.
You can't live with AIDS for over 20 years
. Yourneighbor is probably living with the HIV virus. Once it evolves to AIDS you're a goner. I have always believed that HIV was a man made disease and the curehas always been on hand. Pharmaceutical companies are making a very nice profit off the medication.
Man I wouldn't doubt it if Magic Johnson is completely cured, I want another blood test!! This is bull, millions of people have aids on earth and thisisn't fair.
Are you guys even aware that HIV does not mean you have AIDS?

He's rich and can afford the medications and treatments. HIV and AIDS medications are very expensive.

Best believe he's getting the best treatment in the world. When you have HIV and/or AIDS, you cannot just go outside to the public because you'll bevulnerable to sickness and diseases, which could lead to your death.
There have been a lot of advancement in the treatment of HIV in the last 10 or so years. He's benefiting from the top drug cocktails cuz of the $.
Originally Posted by CoupeIt88

Man I wouldn't doubt it if Magic Johnson is completely cured, I want another blood test!! This is bull, millions of people have aids on earth and this isn't fair.
Who ever told you that life was fair is got damn liar.
Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

Money. They have a cure for HIV and AIDS however, they won't release it for reason I will keep under wraps. Just like the cure for Cancer

A cure for HIV/AIDS will be much easier because its transmitted through sexual contact, while cancer builds up in the system. I honestly think they do have adown low cure for AIDS but cancer is a different story.
They have the cure already, and Magic is cured. The only thing is, it cost 100 million dollars. Even if ur rich ppl stil don't have 100 mil to use for thecure. Magic does tho.
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