It was a good way to start off the last season. Kinda surprised ol' girl was under all that rubble at the site.
A little off topic, but I just recalled something. In the beginning of Season 3, Kate and Sawyer were captured by the others and were crushing rocks on the second island. Juliet said they were using it to build a landing strip. This landing strip didn't come into play until mid-season 5 when the second plane used it to crash land. During this whole time Juliet was stuck in the 1970's. Juliet knew from Season 3 that they were going to come back to island. Do you think she has some sort of inside knowledge and is aware of the second timeline? (i.e. saying "It Worked)
You should stop thinking about the flight we're seeing now as "Alternate time-line" and start thinking "Alternate reality"... it will make more sense.

My theory:
Spoiler [+]
My guess is some of these things are happening the way they are (the coffin being missing, Jack meeting Locke, Kate becoming a fugitive and having a reason to not want to be in LA) because ultimately the end result is them having to go back to the island... under different circumstances maybe, but it seems to be leaning that way. Remember this conversation: "...it always ends the same" "it only ends once, anything else that happens before that... is just progress." Maybe we're seeing the progress and a NEW reality, not the result of their actions.
NY... I posted 3 things.... so one of them is right huh? I hope
True because in every reality jack and the oceanic six need to go the island if they have unfinished business . Jack has now done the unthinkable by destroying the Dharma Initiative he more than likey has freed the Smoke Monster in his reality. God only knows what his brash actions has caused even he feels in this reality what should have happened.
Well Damon and Carlton didn't seem too fond of the idea that "Jacob took over Sayid", so it would seem from nycknicks reference to Craigmatic's post that the Hurley theory would be the "correct" one.
I'm planning to watch it again tomorrow. Here's the first hour: click me

Edit: I'm starting to think Jack was the only person that saw or spoke to Desmond for a reason... but I'm trying to erase the notion from my head.
What astonishes me is the fact that the Smoke Monster found a loophole to attack Bram and his crew with . He used the area around them to kill them. I'm starting to wonder what the hell can kill this monster .
Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

What astonishes me is the fact that the Smoke Monster found a loophole to attack Bram and his crew with . He used the area around them to kill them. I'm starting to wonder what the hell can kill this monster .

Well he only used a loophole to kill Bram(I'm always amused by dude
) at least it looked that way.
Great episode...looking forward to this season my head is already spinning. Props on all you doing the thinking for me and giving me all the possibilities. I don't even waste my time anymore
I felt dumb for thinking the Ankh was a key for something only to see it broken in half with a note inside lol.
Originally Posted by Answer IV DMX

Can't believe no one mentioned Frogurt yet.
So that's why he looked familiar.

For a second, I thought he was Cricket from It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia.
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