Most interesting thing from tonights episode for me was Flockes convo with Ben and also his convo with Richard at the end. I think his mention of chains had double meaning in that Richard was now free from being bound in working for Jacob and also literally as probably being a former slave on the black rock.

I thought this episode was slow moving and Julliets death was really drawn out but I still am very intrigued about the story.

I also thought the showing of Desmond on the plane along with the island underwater in the alternate timeline was very interesting.

Another thing was interesting was when Ben asked Flocke what are you and he said the question is not what but who?

And why didn't anyone say anything to the kids?!
So it begins...

On the plane Desmond was reading a novel by Salaman Rushdie. Here is some info on him:

Sir Ahmed Salman Rushdie, KBE (born 19 June 1947) is a British Indian novelist and essayist. He achieved notability with his second novel, Midnight's Children (1981), which won the Booker Prize in 1981. Some of his fiction is set on the Indian subcontinent. His style is often classified as magical realism mixed with historical fiction, and a dominant theme of his work is the story of the many connections, disruptions and migrations between the Eastern and Western world.

Hmmmm interesting....
Originally Posted by RUTHE1

OH OH OH OH OH OH OH!!! What if when Ben went to the temple, someone else’s dead spirit inhabited HIM?!?!?!!!!! THAT’S WHY RICHARD SAID HE “WOULD BE CHANGED FOREVER
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Originally Posted by Master Zik

One problem I saw that's an obvious flaw is Desmond's appearance. Even if he wasn't really on the plane and was just seeing things Jack still met him years prior while the two happened to be in that stadium. Back in S2 Jack recognized him immediately and admitted it like a hour later.

That's why I think that this timeline has been split to cause them to never meet and for some reason he was on 815. But that scene could of been from another timeline too. The producers have said they wanna play mind games with the viewers so I wouldn't put it past them.

Ibis, i'm with you. Desmond being there, Sayid coming back after claimed being dead, and the obvious temple stuff are the only things that have me trippin.

I still wana know why Cindy didn't flinch at ALL when they were about to kill them.
It's possible. I just don't think he was there to begin with. Just some deja vu for Jack. Notice how technically nobody else really admitted to seeing him. Rose just said she was sleeping.

I don't know if it was a spoiler then but I read Sayid was on for the whole season so I knew he wasn't going to die in the first ep like Juliet.

The kids and Cindy and anyone else form Oceanic flight 815 that were taken are officially Others. They are with them. They are as indifferent to any of the losties deaths as Ben or young Eloise Hawkins were/are. Ironic part is they're the most important and probably are the ones that'll save them/lead them.
Remember desmond was training to go on a boat race when they met whichmeans he either didnt do it or he didnt crash on the island.
Des crashed on the island after that meeting so that wouldn't matter. They still met. As for the boat race it would have to mean Widmore is dead along with the sunken island and Penny was never born for him to never enter the race since he'd never meet her but then I'd want to know why the **$% Des was in Australia.
I think he only recognized him when Des kept saying "Brotha." Did he say it on the plane?
If I'm not mistaken Des says something like "Do you mind me sitting here brotha?" cuz for some reason the person he's sitting next to is snoring loud or some #*%+ like that. I aint sure so I'll wait for the Lost fanatics to post the transcript for the 2 eps.
i think desmond is jumping thru time and dimensions cause if younoticed...he never came back after he disappeared on the plane. Oh andabout Desmond and Jack meeting it prolly didn't happen cause maybe Mr.Hume didn't have to do the race to win Penny's heart cause Penny wouldbe   dead in that timeline or never met Des. You know in Timeline B(815 didn't crash) the island is under water so all the other'sincluding Widmore...u kno what ++!$ just got confusing. AlternateUniverses are hard to talk about with out all the info

Yeah I get the part that's confusing. We'd first need to know if the Incident/bomb sank the island which is plausible.

Right now I don't think Des is jumping through time/dimensions. We last left him int he hospital in the main time line and in this alternate one if the island is gone and all the ppl who affected his life are too or don't interact with him we'd need to know how he's doing since he didn't interact with the island.

Spoiler [+]
I know for a fact that Ben is alive in this alt time line they're showing us. So he obviously either survived the island sinking or left on the sub alone since Roger remained.

So my expressions went from
many times throughout this episode.

I'll start off saying I ABSOLUTELY hated the parallel universe/alternate timeline thing that was going on. When the episode started off with that, I was about ready to stop watching. That was the last thing I wanted to see and I REALLY hope this doesn't continue throughout the rest of the season. Between Jack/Kate/Sawyer, Lapidus/Allana/Ben/BSG, and now this alternate time line... its TOOO much going on and too much jumping back and forth.

I get what they are saying, by them setting off the bomb, it prevented the future Oceanic 815'ers from crashing, because of course while they were back in 1977, all of their counterparts where living back in there homeland, whatever age they were experiencing things that had already been experienced by the 815'ers.... but this is their present, so setting off the bomb didn't change anything for them.

For the most part, the episode answered a few questions, and it was very cool to see the inside of the temple.

Although we all figured it out last season, BSG is the smoke monster is John Locke. We get to see how people were healed in the temple, and that outside of the others that Ben was leading, there was a complete different group in the temple, who seem to have a much better understand of the smoke monster/Jacob than Ben has ever had.

My mind is boggled but based on Sayid coming back to life, it must mean one of two things. Either Sayid is set to take Jacobs place... or what I think is more likely... Hurley is, and Hurley was able to bring him back to life. Or theres the possibility that he was never dead at all... I got this sense from Miles.

We are in for a very long season.... but I really doubt all our questions will be answered in a mere 16 episodes.

PS... the boone and claire cameos were LAME
..... oh and if theres ever a 2 week break like we had last season... I will lose it

Thats all for now... may have to rewatch it tomororw
yea that last spoiler Zik just posted is my last one. I'm remaining spoiler free all season...

I think I just lied to myself
I've gotta go to sleep. I'm sick as hell and can't function. The words can't be read. I'm dizzy as @%@!.

I'll read in the morning. gosdn night lost people.
Also where was Shannon on the plane? The plane never crashing shouldn't have anything to do with her at all now not deciding to come back with Boone....
Apparently Widmore and his organization are against the Smoke Monster who may not be human. Locke had to return so the other side ( smoke monster and Jack) doesn't win. The temple is not the home of the smoke monster he is alluding to in the speech with Ben that it wants to leave the island he doesn't like the island and has influenced the others to destroy it. Widmore seems to want to monitor the island to make sure this entity never escapes because it can't be killed by conventional weapons and the only known way to contain it was by imprisoning it on the island and keeping it hidden from the public eye since the creature is very good at manipulating others . People like Jack, Sayid, Locke, or people of distinct philosophical backgrounds.

Jack denies the fact that he believes in faith and invest soley in technology which has continously lead to death and destruction of the people around him that he tries to press these beliefs on Juliet prime example. Sayid has found balance in his faith and in technology letting neither conquer his reasoning skills and thoughts. Locke is a man of science pretending to embrace nature because science has failed him throughout his life and now he leaves everything up to blind luck which ultimately led to his "death" and the smoke monster taking his form without others noticing a change until it is too late.

The story is winding down to the endgame with characters like Sayid, Hurley, Jack , Miles, Jin, and Sawyer the people that are truly special become more important because they are starting to balance their faith .
Originally Posted by Cragmatic

Also where was Shannon on the plane? The plane never crashing shouldn't have anything to do with her at all now not deciding to come back with Boone....

BOoone sexplained that going to austrailsa didnt work so they he came back wihout her. Hence shenot on the plane.
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Originally Posted by Cragmatic

Also where was Shannon on the plane? The plane never crashing shouldn't have anything to do with her at all now not deciding to come back with Boone....

BOoone sexplained that going to austrailsa didnt work so they he came back wihout her. Hence shenot on the plane.

I understand that and maybe I'm just viewing it differently.... but everything that happened prior to the plane crash should be exactly the same. Considering the only thing the bomb going off really changes is events prior to what would have been the plane crash....
Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

Apparently Widmore and his organization are against the Smoke Monster who may not be human. Locke had to return so the other side ( smoke monster and Jack) doesn't win. The temple is not the home of the smoke monster he is alluding to in the speech with Ben that it wants to leave the island he doesn't like the island and has influenced the others to destroy it. Widmore seems to want to monitor the island to make sure this entity never escapes because it can't be killed by conventional weapons and the only known way to contain it was by imprisoning it on the island and keeping it hidden from the public eye since the creature is very good at manipulating others . People like Jack, Sayid, Locke, or people of distinct philosophical backgrounds.

Jack denies the fact that he believes in faith and invest soley in technology which has continously lead to death and destruction of the people around him that he tries to press these beliefs on Juliet prime example. Sayid has found balance in his faith and in technology letting neither conquer his reasoning skills and thoughts. Locke is a man of science pretending to embrace nature because science has failed him throughout his life and now he leaves everything up to blind luck which ultimately led to his "death" and the smoke monster taking his form without others noticing a change until it is too late.

The story is winding down to the endgame with characters like Sayid, Hurley, Jack , Miles, Jin, and Sawyer the people that are truly special become more important because they are starting to balance their faith .
Is this theory or fact?
and i think the island no longer existing changes things in peoples lives, since it no longer interferes.. like hurley and his luck
Originally Posted by JoeyD16

Just announced on Jimmy Kimmel, May 23rd Series Finale.

Was just about to post this.

Series finale on a Sunday.
Originally Posted by Cragmatic


So my expressions went from
many times throughout this episode.

I'll start off saying I ABSOLUTELY hated the parallel universe/alternate timeline thing that was going on. When the episode started off with that, I was about ready to stop watching. That was the last thing I wanted to see and I REALLY hope this doesn't continue throughout the rest of the season. Between Jack/Kate/Sawyer, Lapidus/Allana/Ben/BSG, and now this alternate time line... its TOOO much going on and too much jumping back and forth.

I get what they are saying, by them setting off the bomb, it prevented the future Oceanic 815'ers from crashing, because of course while they were back in 1977, all of their counterparts where living back in there homeland, whatever age they were experiencing things that had already been experienced by the 815'ers.... but this is their present, so setting off the bomb didn't change anything for them.

For the most part, the episode answered a few questions, and it was very cool to see the inside of the temple.

Although we all figured it out last season, BSG is the smoke monster is John Locke. We get to see how people were healed in the temple, and that outside of the others that Ben was leading, there was a complete different group in the temple, who seem to have a much better understand of the smoke monster/Jacob than Ben has ever had.

My mind is boggled but based on Sayid coming back to life, it must mean one of two things. Either Sayid is set to take Jacobs place... or what I think is more likely... Hurley is, and Hurley was able to bring him back to life. Or theres the possibility that he was never dead at all... I got this sense from Miles.

We are in for a very long season.... but I really doubt all our questions will be answered in a mere 16 episodes.

PS... the boone and claire cameos were LAME
..... oh and if theres ever a 2 week break like we had last season... I will lose it

Thats all for now... may have to rewatch it tomororw
Didn't you all notice how everything in the alternate reality was totally opposite? Hurley embracing his luck (he hated it in the original story), Sawyer always in a chipper mood (he was a prick in the original), Jack being the nervous one instead of Rose.
I also forgot to another thing I found unusual. Did the plane crashing on the island finally push Hurley over the edge about being pessimistic about how bad things happen around him or was he like that before? Cuz him telling Sawyer he was the luckiest man in the world or w/e is the complete opposite to the Hurley that was on the island S1. I expected him to say something like "I don't need to worry about that cuz bad things tend to happen to ppl around me" Hurley didn't go to Australia or leave embracing his luck and he was never much of  a guy concerned with his business since was already so rich. He was already obsessed with the #s and how to lift the curse off of him.

Also it's obvious Sawyer wants to con him in this alt time line.(not a spoiler the look in his eye was quite clear).
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