Losing a dog you have grown up with... Feels Bad Man

Dec 18, 2009
So my 1st childhood dog of 15 years passed away yesterday. His health was slowly declining over the years. But the past 2 days he started to have multiple seizures and became very disoriented. (Not knowing me or my parents, falling into walls, trouble seeing/hearing, hips going out)
. Very hard to watch. My parents decided to put him down. I couldnt bare to watch that tho. I cant say I'm a fan of that choice. But its a hard decision anyway you look at it. He did enjoy a long quality life and taught my younger dog all that he knows. 
From him I have learned that love needs no words.

Any of you had a similar experience?
None yet but I'm def not looking forward to the day. I have a 2 year old and 9 month youngin' so they still have a while to go. I'm sorry for your loss though, it must hurt
Ya I lost my 1st dog my freshman year of college, I remember I was at baseball practice and my coach called me over and told me I needed to go home because my dog wasn't in good shape, so I drove straight to the vet and he was just on the table laying down breathing slow, the vet gave me time with him then finally put the needl, I don't think I ever cried so much, I had that dog from 5-19
One of the hardest things I ever had to do putting Sonic to sleep. Still, look back on the positives like you said. It was a good life.
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

*single tear*
one of the saddest experiences i've delt with in life. gotten a german shepard entering highschool and he was with me all the way till i entered college. he got sick and passed away this summer 
 i miss em like crazy. 
My first dog is now 10 years old, he's going blind i think.
my 2nd dog that was 9 died last winter :'(
feels terrible man

def not looking forward to that day 
..my dog is 12 and is still very energetic
Sorry to hear that. Luckily I haven't dealt with it, and I hope I don't for a very long time.

I have a 7 year old, 6 year old and a soon to be 9 month old.
Originally Posted by Simba King

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)] reminds me of this when these type of post come up....[/color]
video got to me
 RIP oden and other past canine friends.
OP my dog passed away in the almost exact same way. I had a wire haired fox terrier. She was 19 years old, so she lived a nice life. I remember staying home from school in 7th grade to hang out with her that day. We didn't have to put her down, she died on her own but it was definitely a sad day/thing to see. Keep your head up
Just found out my Bulldog/Boxer mix of 8 years has a type of cancer where only 1% of dogs survive (cant remember name), they gave her between 1-3 months to live.But she's a strong dog, thing is she still seems healthy runs around, eats normal and everything like that except she sleeps a little more (but that can be part of the aging)Had a tumor removed from her mouth a couple months ago, I'm just hoping she survives almost died inside when I found the news out.
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