Lebron bumping Mike Brown...was it intentional?

Mar 13, 2004
I was just watching this on 1st and 10 on ESPN. It looked intentional to me. Lebron bumped him like he REALLY wanted to fight LMAOOO. Mike Brown turned aroundright when it happened, and had a puzzled look on his face. Maybe Lebron should have given him the Danny Ainge treatment (word to Robert Horry). The hell isgoing on with this team? How long does Mike Brown have?
they were getting spanked by the knicks

Brown wasnt feeling how his team was playing and Bron was upset probably about the fact they were getting blasted and he mighta not liked the way Brown washandling it.... seemed intentional on both of their parts but its something that id say would blow over.. just a heat of the moment and frustration thing
hey, you've got it made when you can throw the ball at the ref, talk back, and THEN bump your coach without punishment.
It looked intentional but they will both play it off like it was nothing.....

but if the Cavs keep playing like this I wouldn't be surprised if Lebron speaks out for some help....
Mike Brown is without a doubt the most unprofessional coach I have ever seen.

Didn't he kiss Lebron after the game in Detroit last year?
what lebron should do is go into danny ferry's office and ask him when are you finally going to something?

last nigth reminded me off the good ol ricky davis, bob sura days

lebron needs help, larry hughes needs to slash, drew gooden need to grow the patch back
you CANT be serious. if you see the video CLEARLY it was an accident. Lebron was pissed at the dude across from him, i think it was gooden or varajaeo... hedidnt see mike brown because he was giving the dude gooden or varajeo the killer eye cuz they messed up their assignment...
I saw it earlier and really disturbed me.

I remember a thread SJS made before the season saying the Cavs are a fractured team emotionally. I think its coming to fruition.
Mike Brown shouldnt have a job in the first place.....I would be bumping him every damn game if I was Lebron.
It could've been.

Because if it was on accident he probably would've looked back and said sorry or whatever.
But he didn't look back he kept on going.
nice, feathers will be ruffled. this team is comin apart at the seams. if somethin isnt done soon, i dont know what to say. this roster isnt going anywhere
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