last time you told a parent you loved them??

Jan 8, 2003
i was just thinking about this, and i honestly dont remember the last time I've said this to my dad or even my own mother

i live with both of them right now, and they well know i love them and we have a great relationship, but we just never say it to eachother

am i the only one here?
Dam. Is it just how us latin 's are?

Real talk tho I don't think I ever have. But im sure they know it.
Never really tell my mother I love her. Don't have that kind of relationship wit her. Everytime I speak to my pops tho I tell him. You never kno when theywill go and I kno imma regret not tellin my mom that enough. Ima try to rectify that
i'm same way OP

the way i've seen it is people say it quite often/often enough, or people just don't.
Thanksgiving for my moms. Last time I told my dad I loved him, I was like 8 years old and he clowned me and called me soft. I never told him that since.
Its been years since I told my parents I loved them...
I going to start doing it though, one of my best friends is losing his mom to cancer and that has put things in perspective for me.
You can never risk it, you can say that they know but once their gone and you feel the need to say it you won't be able to.
every night before i go to bed, i tell my mom i love her. ill tell my dad every now and then, just randomly
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