Last Minutes With Oden. Vol. Late?

star scream

Jun 2, 2010

I literally cried after watching this. 

It brought a tear to my eye but made me happy at the same time...
Super late but it's ight 'cuz it's a great video and I don't think too many saw it.
I had to put my dog down about two years ago. Wasn't even mine. It was my wifes. She had him for 10+ yrs and I only knew him for like 3, but as soon as we met he was always by my side. miss him like crazy sometimes. good video.
Very cool vid. I think they shot it with a DSLR. I hate how dogs have such a small life span compared to humans.
Yeah super sad and forget all the late stuff if you hadnt posted it I wouldnt have been able to see it. You see my current dog in my avatar. She is my life real talk. They know unconditional love no matter what she is always super hype when we wake up or whenever I leave and come home. I lost my childhood pit after 13 years and he was suffering and we were gonna take him to the vet to put him down but it was the day before thanksgiving so we hoped he would make it until that monday so we could just feed him mad turkey and let him enjoy the fam one last time but he crawled under my parents window outside and died thanksgiving morning. We got the message man thankful for the 13 yrs we had with him. Shout out to all the dog lovers. ONE
my gfs dog unexpectedly passed away over the weekend 
.. i don't really know how this feels 1st hand.. but damn.. @#$% sucks.  
I would never do this to my dog. We had to go through the same thing with my dog out of nowhere. Very sudden.

It never crossed my mind to record such a thing.

im sick to my stomach? thats a tribute?
Crying in the office.  Wow, happy I watched it but wish I would have watched it at home.

This is one of the reasons I am afraid to get a dog because of the eventual death and dealing with it.  Is that a crap reason not to get a dog?
Originally Posted by WallyHopp

I would never do this to my dog. We had to go through the same thing with my dog out of nowhere. Very sudden.

It never crossed my mind to record such a thing.

im sick to my stomach? thats a tribute?

I think people that have been in that position will look at this video and understand the owner's feelings. I don't think tribute is the right word....and should be looked at as more of a documentary.
Oh how heartbreaking. I always film a documentary chronicling the saddest day of my life. I make sure that there is plenty of Justin Vernon in the background too. I remember one time when we had to pull the plug on granny, it was an awesome video documenting how hard it was on me. It was amazing, in post-production we steeped my immense sadness in Radiohead's "How To Disappear Completely." As the first tear rolled down my cheek, Thom Yorke sings "In a little while I'll be gone." All of my friends cry when we relive that sad day on DVD.
Originally Posted by xfile 11

Crying in the office.  Wow, happy I watched it but wish I would have watched it at home.

This is one of the reasons I am afraid to get a dog because of the eventual death and dealing with it.  Is that a crap reason not to get a dog?
It is not a crap reason and I get what you mean, but you should still get one.
I currently have two right now and they are my world.

Dogs dont know rich or poor care, care for shoes, jewerly, etc...

If you give a dog your heart he will give you his.
Originally Posted by DJMano34

Originally Posted by xfile 11

Crying in the office.  Wow, happy I watched it but wish I would have watched it at home.

This is one of the reasons I am afraid to get a dog because of the eventual death and dealing with it.  Is that a crap reason not to get a dog?
It is not a crap reason and I get what you mean, but you should still get one.
I currently have two right now and they are my world.

Dogs dont know rich or poor care, care for shoes, jewerly, etc...

If you give a dog your heart he will give you his.

Definitely agree. My dog was like my homeboy and psychologist back when he was a live when I was in high school. I would talk to him all the time and he would just sit there and listen (or so it looked like it). He always knew when i felt bad or not and just having him by my side was the most comforting thing ever. I miss that dude.
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