L/C on 2015 columbia 4s

Apr 21, 2015
So I bought these last night for $120 they were extremely "cheap" and in very good condition.

I think that they are real but there are some things I am worried about. 

1) There is no QC stamp 

2) The QC sticker was on the bottom of the box and not on the lid 

3) Apparently on the back, above the jumpman, the double stitching needs to be slightly curved but mine seems straight

4) the sparkles in the crowns and midsole don't seem all that shiny without flash and can barely see if there is no flash at all. 

    is this normal?

Here are the pictures I would appreciate any help from the members here not he forum. 
I would also like to know as the pair I have look very similar, plus no QC stamp and the QC sticker on the box.
I would also like to know as the pair I have look very similar, plus no QC stamp and the QC sticker on the box.

Mine did have a sticker just no stamp.
Im pretty sure my are real as the leather quality and the paint job is amazing for a jordan. In n the off chance they are replicas i think i might be ok just because the price and over all quality. But.... Lets hope they arent fakes lol
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