Junior in HS, Undecided on where I want to attend college/What I Want To Major in . . . What are the

meek meals

Jul 18, 2012
Rising Junior in HS, Only things I enjoy as far as something to do for a career are designing sneakers, designing clothing, and making beats.

None of those are very lucrative/something you go to school for 4 years for to learn how to do

What are the college majors that would provide the most income in careers outside of doctor/lawyer/etc.

I'm undecided on where I want to go, and what I want to major in, I'm considering Marketing

Help me out NT
How is your gpa in highschool? Can your parents afford for you to go to an affluent  university? Maybe decide going the jc route to finish the general education requirements as set forth by your state.

Currently I'm attending the a community college because it is affordable doing so. I am a math major and i can transfer this yr with just having completed math analysis, yet I  would still need to take about 8  more math classes at a Cal State. Which would require me to pay room and board. FYI My classes are free at the community college thanks to fee waiver and fafsa.

Lets not get into the argument about how community college does not have rigorous curriculum. My math teacher teaches all level math and she received a fellowship from NASA.
How is your gpa in highschool? Can your parents afford for you to go to an affluent  university? Maybe decide going the jc route to finish the general education requirements as set forth by your state.
My grades up until now have been average/poor. Few A's, B's, Mostly C's, Few D's, One F.

Going hard this year on my grades.
Dont just consider you gotta know. Aint nothing worse then getting far then changing your mind. Look hard at every aspect of different career options. How long it takes to complete, how much money it takes, etc.
Biomedical engineering is one of the fastest growing fields with a very good pay outlook for the future so that might be a field to consider. However, the prerequisites are quite a challenge. Definitely consider CC as an entry route for major university though.

All advice aside just do what you want to do and do it better than the rest.

Edit: also geology majors are in demand for the energy industry as they are needing more younger people to understand and train in the trade to develop newer technologies for finding the next trillion barrels of oil.
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My grades up until now have been average/poor. Few A's, B's, Mostly C's, Few D's, One F.

Going hard this year on my grades.

with grades like that you wont have to worry bout picking a university as none of them will pick you.

just start working hard starting from now, enroll in a JC after HS is over, continue to work hard, and hopefully by then you will have a better idea of what you want to study.
A general Business degree is a pretty sure fire path for an undecided incoming Freshman. A lot of potential and jobs in that area and you might find a lane of Business you really like in the first year or two when exposed to certain classes.
First off, if you can't get a scholarship to the school you want to go to, go to a CC first for 2-4 semesters, get your grades up then transfer. Yeah you might miss the "freshmen experience" but you'll end up saving like 10 grand.

As far as a major, look into anything IT or Computer Science related if you have the patience. That's one of the more profitable majors/fields where you won't need to go to grad school.

Also, no matter what major you pick try to squeeze a few basic business courses in your schedule. It'll help you gain some type of business sense that a lot of people don't have.

Oh, and stay away from majoring in Psychology, Philosophy, History, English, etc. Those are essentially dead end majors that won't lead to much unless you decided to get a masters.

Good luck bro.
Def go to CC if you dont know what you want to do

I did CC for 2 years and it sucked :x But im out to a major university in 2 weeks :smokin
Def go to CC if you dont know what you want to do
I did CC for 2 years and it sucked
But im out to a major university in 2 weeks
Gota make the best of the situation my man. I be helping these little girls 18-24 yr range on they math. Make  them go from Ds and Fs to solid C and B. One hand on the pencil and one in they crouch lol.
with grades like that you wont have to worry bout picking a university as none of them will pick you.
just start working hard starting from now, enroll in a JC after HS is over, continue to work hard, and hopefully by then you will have a better idea of what you want to study.

cold blooded :rofl:

where are you from OP?

Come back to this thread after your first semester of Junior year, if you can pull good grades this year, then things will look up.

Colleges love the whole struggled at the beginning but got their ish together kinda thing. So they'll think you'll continue that work ethic.
I was in the same boat two years ago OP, not knowing what to do with my life, deciding whether or not to go to a university, having to keep up my rank etc etc. If anything just go hard this year with the books, and let everything unravel through out the year. I know for me, deciding my career path took me about 3 months into my senior year, and now I'm all set up in terms of knowing what I want to do and where I'm going to school this year.
I'm planning on going for a computer engineering major in college
The tech field is always going to be growing and jobs will be abundant by the time I'm out of college
OP you just gotta look at the majors that most catch your eye and think well will there be jobs in this 5+ or 10+ years from now
Google is also your friend bro. look up thinks like top majors, highest payed majors, majors for the future, etc you'll find a bunch of lists and articles about majors and can give you an idea on what to choose
College wise you gotta try get your gpa up bro by the looks of those grade. You're gonna have to get a pretty decent score on your standardized test (ACT or SAT) also if you're gonna want to go to a major college or university
doesn't matter where you did your undergrad, seriously.

go the cheapest route.
Based on your grades, its highly unlikely you get into a good school. With the price of tuition going up across the board, you should consider CC mainly because you don't want to waste two years worth of money if you're just a marginal student as you've already shown.

As far as major goes, major in what interests you. Just be sure that you can find a way to make money from it. People are having trouble finding work regardless of their degree; in demand or not. I know people with substantial IT experience out of college that couldn't land an interview and are in different careers unrelated to their major whereas I know some with "dead end" majors that are doing well for themselves. The major/degree you choose is just a way to get your foot in the door. If you have no experience to back it up, you're going to find yourself on the outside.

Not to derail the thread, but I don't like these threads because people like you need to make these decisions on your own instead of asking for advice that is usually biased.
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cold blooded :rofl:
where are you from OP?
Come back to this thread after your first semester of Junior year, if you can pull good grades this year, then things will look up.
Colleges love the whole struggled at the beginning but got their ish together kinda thing. So they'll think you'll continue that work ethic.

im just telling it like it is. the last thing OP needs is to be coddled and patted on the back for making the decision to turn his school life around. Let him put in the hard work and effort first, then he can get props. Until then, its no different than me saying something like "i know im a fat pig, but starting next week im going to turn my life around, exercise, diet, etc.. etc.." Talk is cheap.

One thing worth mentioning. Not everyone is made for a life in academics, and there is no shame in that. OP, you dont need to go to college just because thats what everyone else does. You mentioned that you enjoy designing sneakers and clothes. If that is something you truly have a passion for, why not pursue that? I'm pretty sure that things like GPA dont matter as much if you are looking into design or fashion school. If that is the route you want to go, you really should be concentrating your time and effort into building your portfolio, instead of slaving over Algebra.

Also, while I am as guilty of this as the next person, you shouldnt be looking at a career purely based on your potential earnings in that field. Its very very very easy to get burnt out if you are only in it for the money (no matter how much you are making). That being said, if you are only in it for the money, there are a lot of career paths to make decent money that dont require a college education. If you hate school, studying, etc... etc... why torture yourself by going down a path that isnt a good fit for who you are? At your age, you should be concentrating more on finding something you enjoy doing, rather than picking a major that may or may not lead to a career in demand. Maybe look into learning a trade like becoming a plumber, electrician, or other type of contractor. There is no shame in that. Its honest work for honest pay, not to mention you can make a lot of money if you work hard and catch some breaks along the way. In my last line of work, I encountered a lot of electricians, and there were some that were pulling in doctor money. No joke. I'm talkin dudes who had million dollar vacation homes in Newport Beach, CA, drove $80-100K luxury cars for their weekend cars, and had top of the line $50K pickup trucks for their "work truck". There is always money to be made out there, and college isnt the only path to it.
How is your gpa in highschool? Can your parents afford for you to go to an affluent  university? Maybe decide going the jc route to finish the general education requirements as set forth by your state.
My grades up until now have been average/poor. Few A's, B's, Mostly C's, Few D's, One F.

Going hard this year on my grades.
How does this make you a rising Junior? What does that even mean.......

Regardless, go to a school at least 200 miles away from home. You'll have a blast.
doesn't matter where you did your undergrad, seriously.

go the cheapest route.

not sure if serious or not, but I'd disagree.
Don't dismiss starting at a JC, but earning your bachelor's at a quality university will pay dividends. As for major, don't necessarily decide by what makes the most money. Of course understand the marketability of a major (Swahili Literature vs. Business), but follow your passion first and foremost. Maybe research specific jobs and the common educational entry into each. Some might be more narrow (Shoe Design - primarily Industrial Design degrees) than others (Marketing - communication, English, business, etc). good luck
man your just like me 2 years ago, i had bad grades c's and d's but the failing grade at my school was 70, just bust it out this year i finished with 1 c 2 c+'s 2 b's and 1 a, what you might want to do is start working on you portfolio since you want to do Industrial/Product Design (sneaker design) if you want to take the fashion institute route you would apply under accesories design. Your grades may be bad but try to take the SAT two to three times, make sure you aim for 1900's and up because if you do average in school and average on the SAT schools usually do not like that if you need any help with school pm me i can try to help you out with the info i have because we both share the same dilemma.
Rising Junior in HS, Only things I enjoy as far as something to do for a career are designing sneakers, designing clothing, and making beats.

None of those are very lucrative/something you go to school for 4 years for to learn how to do

What are the college majors that would provide the most income in careers outside of doctor/lawyer/etc.

I'm undecided on where I want to go, and what I want to major in, I'm considering Marketing

Help me out NT
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