Job at Best buy

I was on the team of developers from Carphone Warehouse that brought Best Buy Mobile over to the United States, I was hired for Carphone Warehouse Corporate inLondon but eventually those checks started coming from Minnesota (best buy HQ), the discount was nice. Got a 50" Pioneer Elite for a great price, not tomention all the HDMI Cables for like $6.00. When I graduate I'm pretty sure I'll be working for Internal Affairs for London Geek Squad whcih willlaunch in January 2009, Yeah Best Buy is soon to take over the world.
I work in home office. IMO its one of the departments that really sucks to work in. At my store if you get a single sale where you don't attach they getreally upset at you. And when cheap people come in for the 400 dollar computer, its pretty hard to attach. Plus we started a new thing like 2 months ago whereEVERY comp sale has to be handed off to the geek squad, with the set up sheet filled out no matter what, customers get real pissed off with this when theyarent getting anything. Plus our Geek Squad supe is such a tool. I'm about to apply for a CA spot tho.
what ever you do dont apply for inventory
I worked there for about a year. Its basically too much work for the pay. I worked in Wireless/MP3s and it was pretty easy after a while. I came in knowingjust about everything already. I jsut got bored of saying the same things over and over again to every customer. I got tired of being fake... Closing can bethe worst cause it can take a good while. I mean my co-workers were cool it was just that the job wasn't really providing any incentive (pay) to adjust forthe amount of work that you do. I was making 10/Hr btw.
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