Jersey Shore 6: The Final Season, 2-Hours Again Next Thursday Vol. Good Riddance?

Jan 30, 2002

Who's looking forward to it ending and who's sad to see it go? With Thursday Night Football, most won't care. I find this purely entertaining and enjoy watching it every Thursday that it's on but glad at the same time MTV isn't milking it longer.
This being one hour and more episodes instead of half hour and fewer episodes like Pauly D's and Snooki/JWow's own show makes it more worthwhile. Those that missed any episodes/season, MTV is airing all the episodes all day long until the premiere.
Pauly and Vinny are still the best casts of the group, hope they have their own show together after this is over.
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I'm excited for the new season, and honestly kinda sad to see it go.

As ridiculous as their lives are, I find the show extremely entertaining.

I definitely think it's time for them to hang it up though, they're getting kinda old to be living like this and Snooki has a baby 

Just hope that Ron and Sam don't argue every episode.
I stopped watching after Miami. Just don't see the point of it any more. Pretty much the same story lines repeating themselves. Pauly will get madd yambs. Mike will continue to act like he can get whomever he wants. Sam and Ronnie will fight. Ronnie will continue to look like a simp. Vinny will continue to catch Ls following in Pauly's shadow. Snooki will continue to look like a fool (i fee sorry for her kid). Jenni will still be in that relationship and thereby not get super loose (those ******* though :pimp: ). Deena will still seem out of place, and look ridiculous.

I respect Pauly the most. Dude seized the publicity he got from this show and used it to promote his dj career because he knew the show wouldn't be hot forever. Now he's sitting on millions and has actual fame beyond just being someone on jersey shore. Can't knock him.
I agree, the story line is kinda similar every season.

Idk, maybe it's cuz I've been in college the last 4 years so to me it's been like a good show to watch while pregaming.

It also has that college night out feel to it lol (EXTREMELY exaggerated obviously).

That's why I like it at least.
Vinny>>>>>>>>>>>>>>. The only one who doesnt seem like a caricature 
Eh, being watching the show since it's inception might as well watch the last season.

And there is no new cast.

Why would MTV bring in a new cast for the final season?

Makes no sense.

Situation is that dude. Sammie looking good in that pic :evil:. And Vinny stay rocking some Kobe's.

Can't believe it hasn't even been 3 years yet. Seems like they've been on TV forever.
I hadn't watched since like the first 2 episodes of season 2 but I watched like 15 episodes this weekend. I forgot how entertaining this show was. I will watch the rest of them one day,
I still stand by it when I say Season 1 was the best reality t.v. ever seen.

I watched Season 1, 2 and some of Italy. That's all.
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I think this season kind of went downhill when they brought in that creature deena :x
Show is still entertaining though
im done with this cast/fad. first season was classic, everything else after just went down hill............................... but still will watch :lol:
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