Jackson doctor diagnoses woman with "Ghetto Booty"

"Mam you have Lumbar Lordosis, a curve in your spine..."

Who am I kidding she wont understand that!

...Ghetto Booty it is

*writes down* Lumbar...Lordosis... *tap*

Thanks for that.

@ semi-technical term tho...you REALLY expected her to be like "Oh, Ghetto Booty, glad we caught it early..." Some people are just ******* clueless.
I mean... i'm not even mad... but really?

You mean to tell me that you couldn't come up with any other words besides "ghetto" and "booty" to articulate what was going on with this woman's body?

:smh: Pathetic.
:lol: @ ghetto booty. but on the real ive seen girls with exaggerated curves that gives them the appearance that they sort of have back. we've all seen these girls tho. i never knew there was a term for that type of posture..
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Sometimes racism is sadly funny.

"M'am you have ghetto booty. I'm sorry, but there's no cure."

View media item 496885

I swear racists are on that pre-civil rights movement throwback racism right now. Nerves of steel and no dambs. Out of control. :smh:
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