Islam and the Slave trade, *watches this fall to page 15 in under 2 min*

May 26, 2003

The Truth is out there, to bad nobody cares

I just want to see what the thinkers of NT think about this topic, I mean there are plenty other documentaries and other topics to discuss, but I just wantedto bring up something short and compact, being that I'm sure most of the enlightened people here know about stuff like this.

Oh and this isnt a bash Islam/Christianity post, but Religion has been used to destroy our world in General, not the concept of it but the people involved inthem.
I was aware that slaves were traded in Africa, but I didn't know it was to this extent. Good find, yo, definitely makes you think.
its sad that stuff like this gets no attention, but post on whats your favorite toothpaste does. But hey everyone in the world isn't meant to beintelligent I guess. but yea Religion pretty much was and is used as mental Slavery. Islam and Christianity are both good things, but they are used to justifyevil acts, and followers of these religions try to ignore these things. I remember some chick in class was talking about how Islam is the original Religion ofus black people, I gave a huge SMH.

And the ignorance of us Blacks in America almost prove the Ignorance of the Slave trader then correct with the Sexual Appetite, dudes talking about "Man Icant go a day with out mushu", looking down on Virginity and stuff, pretty much sad. And to think these dudes today wouldnt have a "tool" to putin work.
Originally Posted by LuckyLuchiano

its sad that stuff like this gets no attention, but post on whats your favorite toothpaste does.

But hey everyone in the world isn't meant to be intelligent I guess.

but yea Religion pretty much was and is used as mental Slavery.

Islam and Christianity are both good things, but they are used to justify evil acts, and followers of these religions try to ignore these things. I remember some chick in class was talking about how Islam is the original Religion of us black people, I gave a huge SMH.

Originally Posted by knightngale

Originally Posted by LuckyLuchiano

its sad that stuff like this gets no attention, but post on whats your favorite toothpaste does.

But hey everyone in the world isn't meant to be intelligent I guess.

but yea Religion pretty much was and is used as mental Slavery.

Islam and Christianity are both good things, but they are used to justify evil acts, and followers of these religions try to ignore these things. I remember some chick in class was talking about how Islam is the original Religion of us black people, I gave a huge SMH.


and that is for? Neither of them preach evil deeds, it is the people involved in these things that manipulate things. Maybe I should rephrase good thingswith good Concepts
Islam and Christianity are both good things, but they are used to justify evil acts
I could not agree more.

I sometimes see people look at you in a different way if you say that you do not go to church.

There are people who have no religion that are better people than some people who do attend church.

There are some people who go to church once a week and they do their dirt the 6 other days of the week. Makes no sense.
yea, you got more evil people in the church then in the streets at times.

I go to church when back home, and I basically observe, and the ignorance I see in how people think on certain things just make me sick. Me I will say I am aChristian being that I believe in God and Jesus. But the ignorance in the church is down right pitiful.

When you ask people that are highly religious questions they can't give you a solid answer for, they try to make it seem as if you are the unenlightenedone.
no this clip is insight on parts of the slave trade that we don't talk about. Slavery was used in every culture and religion, sure but people on NT try toignore the fact that nothing else compares to how the Continent of Africa was raped for everything it had. Please don't try to make it sound like therewere events worst then this to make it sound is if black people are sore losers or something.

I`m getting tired of all that "Man Slavery is over, forget about it" yet I`m forced to learn about how great George Washington is every year.
Originally Posted by seaner23

Originally Posted by LuckyLuchiano

no this clip is insight on parts of the slave trade that we don't talk about. Slavery was used in every culture and religion, sure but people on NT try to ignore the fact that nothing else compares to how the Continent of Africa was raped for everything it had. Please don't try to make it sound like there were events worst then this to make it sound is if black people are sore losers or something.

I`m getting tired of all that "Man Slavery is over, forget about it" yet I`m forced to learn about how great George Washington is every year.

slavery is not do realize though that there are millions of slaves in africa right today...heck it took america a few hundred years but at least we finally decided to act right.

if you really are concerned, you should do something to fix what is going on now. call/write your congressman and demand some action be done over in africa. unfortunately we can't go back and fix the past, but we can do something about what is going on TODAY.

umm you do realized I said nothing about slavery is over? My Parents are from Liberia, and I have relatives that are Refugees here in the US, so I knowmore about the conflict in Africa then you will ever read on the net or see on tv. This is bigger then what some Congress men can do. You do realized thedamage has been done right? Sending troops to sign peace treatys will do nothing. The minds of the people that run these countries are to corrupted and theyare to full of pride. What needs to be done is educating the youth so when they have a chance to grow up, they wont run the countries how they are being rannow. And with all the negative talk on Africa many of you always forget about the prominent parts and beauty in Africa
Youth of America and Africa.

Blacks in America look down on Africa as if it was the next thing to hell, dudes rather take a trip to Japan then go to Africa. I`m not saying everyone needsto go to Africa, and most Black youth haven't seen the beauty of Africa so I wouldn't expect them to want to go, it's just the ignorance they showtowards Africa that sickens me. They make being African a bad thing, yet its acceptable to be from the Caribbean and other places, when they are in conditionsjust as worst as Africa. My pops is building a school for children in his hometown, and I plan on being involved, so don't say I`m doing nothing, unlikethe others who rant on about the "struggle" but do nothing to get them selves out of the "struggle" or try to see the bigger picture.

The Black man in general is to full of pride, maybe its because of us being held down for so long by others and ourselves idk, but we need to change thataspect of ourselves.
I`m getting tired of all that "Man Slavery is over, forget about it" yet I`m forced to learn about how great George Washington is every year.

G. Washington, a slave owner himself.

I swear, I have never been taught much about slavery during school.

But I do remember in Junior High doing research on the Holocaust during Black History Month. No excuse for that.
you do know there were Blacks involved during the Holocaust too right?

I dont see a purpose for BLack History month, I feel that we should be taught about the historys of the WORLD year round, or have like specific courses thatfocus on certain cultures and their history given in HS.
Originally Posted by Roc Boy Jada

I`m getting tired of all that "Man Slavery is over, forget about it" yet I`m forced to learn about how great George Washington is every year.

G. Washington, a slave owner himself.

I swear, I have never been taught much about slavery during school.

But I do remember in Junior High doing research on the Holocaust during Black History Month. No excuse for that.

Damn straight, we should only learn about black people during that month.
Originally Posted by LuckyLuchiano

you do know there were Blacks involved during the Holocaust too right?

I dont see a purpose for BLack History month, I feel that we should be taught about the historys of the WORLD year round, or have like specific courses that focus on certain cultures and their history given in HS.

Yeah, I know but the way that it was taught to the kids in school they would never know that.

I actually learned that Blacks were involved in the Holocaust from a book that I read on my own time.

It was never mentioned to me during school.

There should be specific courses because it seems as if teachers never get to "certain" parts of the text book in the school year.
I'm from East Africa and I found this very intresting. I kinda skimmed through the majority of this because I'm at work but I always though that theArabs only made slaves of non-muslims.
I`m not saying everyone needs to go to Africa, and most Black youth haven't seen the beauty of Africa so I wouldn't expect them to want to go, it's just the ignorance they show towards Africa that sickens me. They make being African a bad thing, yet its acceptable to be from the Caribbean and other places, when they are in conditions just as worst as Africa.
I could'nt agree more.

My pops is building a school for children in his hometown, and I plan on being involved, so don't say I`m doing nothing, unlike the others who rant on about the "struggle" but do nothing to get them selves out of the "struggle" or try to see the bigger picture.
Great job.
Are your parents from Nigeria?
haha and that one guy gets assassinated. But hey maybe one day, maybe one day.

And its crazy how Ive had history teachers that weren't black that could tell you more about your ancestry then your parents
Information like this video is very important in teaching blacks about our history. But honestly its all in the past. There's nothing else we can do aboutit except learn from out ancestor and move forward. Hopefully to disproved the belief's which others in society (whites and Arabs) hold against (lessintelligent) Young African-Americans lack of knowledge to information like this is in part due to the fact that we in America have so many personal indulgencesand grievances with other cultures we only concentrate on ourselves.
no one is basking in the past, you can't move foward unless you know where you came from, and learning where we come from is something most of us have nointention in doing.
thats why you should research your professors b4 you pick them, I don't want someone I`m smarter then or a plain idiot teaching me or telling me what todo.
Your beef isn't with religion, your beef is with the corruptible nature of the human soul. We live in an imperfect world. When it all comes down to it,world religions do far more good than bad and that's not only including the modern era. Those that use religion to justify terrible acts should not belumped in with all of the other believers who do charitable and altruistic things on a daily basis.

Sit down, read the Bible, Quran or other scripture and systematically analyze them. They contain countless admonitions for behaviour and actions that promotelove, peace, and selflessness. There's no debate there. World religions, in their true form, are overwhelmingly positive forces, and their legacy of givinghope to billions drastically outweighs any negative acts committed in their names. The people who use religion to justify horrendous acts cannot be included inthe discussion, because they are purposely perverting doctrine for their own selfish or sadistic goals. The true nature of religion is incorruptible but thehuman psyche is not.
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