Is This Justice being Served or Police Brutality? Video Inside, Semi-Disturbing

Dec 19, 2007
Guy raped a girl
Cops caught him
Got the beating of his life


Edit: My thing is, i do believe he got what he deserved, I just feel it shouldnt have been the cops doing it.
looks like its in a different country so its kind of hard to judge... he could have known that if he was caught the police were going to beat the @!#$ out of him whereas someone in the US (still deserving to be beat) might expect due process

either way he got what he deserved IMO
If he really did rape a girl I cant say I feel bad for him. That said it wasn't right for the police to do that.
Ain't nothing wrong with beating down a child molester or rapist with me. My cousin and my homeboys beat down this one dude cause he was molesting his own cousin in high school. This girl was just your normal school girl and very sweet. She felt like she had no one to turn to. So one day, they gave him that street justice, right at his work place. Dude never laid hands on her again.
Originally Posted by FromThaTown

Ain't nothing wrong with beating down a child molester or rapist with me. My cousin and my homeboys beat down this one dude cause he was molesting his own cousin in high school. This girl was just your normal school girl and very sweet. She felt like she had no one to turn to. So one day, they gave him that street justice, right at his work place. Dude never laid hands on her again.
This explains my thinking, bc i see nothing wrong with that, you took matter into your own hands and you did the right thing but what gets me is that in the video, its police officers doing the damage.
I'm not a brute so didn't exactly enjoy the video but I could see where the cops were coming from with their anger but this guy was already going to get it when he get's to jail no need to risk your job over him.
I couldn't even watch the whole thing,but I really don't feel sorry for him.As far as that second vid posted of the woman,that %!$@ was uncalled for and just horrible!
Originally Posted by Spectacular23

Originally Posted by FromThaTown

Ain't nothing wrong with beating down a child molester or rapist with me. My cousin and my homeboys beat down this one dude cause he was molesting his own cousin in high school. This girl was just your normal school girl and very sweet. She felt like she had no one to turn to. So one day, they gave him that street justice, right at his work place. Dude never laid hands on her again.
This explains my thinking, bc i see nothing wrong with that, you took matter into your own hands and you did the right thing but what gets me is that in the video, its police officers doing the damage.
I feel you on that, cause  the police might think, which they do all the time, beat people for less reasons. That does worry me. But since it's a rapist getting beat in this video. I really can care less.
Some people deserve it.

but being in power doesn't mean you have the right to beat people inhumanely.
a part of me wants to say police brutality but the truth is if it was the girls family or someone close doing it, i wouldnt feel bad at all

i guess my only concern with it is how they went about it, like just get it over with, they didnt need to just stand there taking turns hitting the guy, they could have all just beat the @%*% out of him non-stop for 5 min and been done with it
Damn everybody was gettin their licks in, beat with his own belt too! But I think he deserved it, I dunno if it was by the right group of people or not
Thought I was watchin a soccer match for a sec.

These dudes dont care what he did. They just want to rip him up. Lots of cops in every country do this. Its a power, thrill trip that people get out of it. But since theyre cops they get a pass
I was watching a interview Dr.D i c k Gregory did a
while back, and he brought up the very interesting topic of
rules and circumstances.
How certain acts in today's world that are inhumane and hate thriven
are allowed due to circumstance and a psychological suspension of rules because society
feels as though these actions are justified.

Ex.A cop saving a drowning dog gets bitten during the dog's fearful
tantrum, but yet he still continues the rescue mission.


A wild dog attacking a cop and getting "put down".

Personally I am against police brutality of any sort,
and my opinion shall forever stand this way regardless
of circumstances or situation.
Sure this guy is a suspected rapist, but he is a human first,
and I refuse to co-sign any unnecessary act of violence or brutal force upon another.
Which is ironically similar to the crime this man is being investigated for.
Its crazy how this world works.
I'd understand if the girls brothers, cousin, and dad was beating the guy.

But the cops? They did it through enjoyment, not justice.
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