Is There Anything You're Borderline Obsessed With?

Feb 22, 2008
I know this is NT, so I'm asking you guys to post answers other than shoes and clothes. I have a feeling I'm about to get flamed to oblivion.

If you couldn't tell already, I like Amerie a lil bit. Other than that, I have a really big thing for The Legendof Zelda. It was one of the first games I ever had, and I've been a huge fan ever since. To be clear on how much of an obsession it is, I'll give youguys the rundown:

I've played every game that Link even APPEARED in...and I'm not even a big gamer.
I've read almost all the comics/manga.
I can hum and name most if not all the songs from the series.
My computer desktop is the Master Sword.
I played the SNES game so much my mom can still hum the main theme RIGHT NOW, since she heard it so much. Keep inmind that this was like 10 years ago.
I even have a personal set of Link emoticons. No, I didn't make them. SMH.

If I kept going, I'd appear lamer than I already sound. At least I don't own any The Legend of Zelda clothingor costumes or anything...

What about you guys?
finding new spots on the internet to download music and movies
buying books just to build a library that may never fully be read
finding new spots on the internet to download music and movies
buying books just to build a library that may never fully be read
-socks (i have specific socks for specific tasks i.e. practice socks, game socks, everyday socks, bedtime socks, lucky socks)

-sports and game related statistics

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