Interview at Finishline

Originally Posted by CherryRed

Originally Posted by Pmighty

wear a bowtie bro

or maybe a brotie

I laughed
Serious, do you really need an answer for this???
It's a job interview, how do you think you should get dressed????
                   "hi i'm here for the interview"                                         "hi i'm here for the interivew"
  • who fits the profile that cruel after school kids ready to flame someone would respect while shopping for kicks?
  • who looks like a team player,  who looks like they're out for my job?
  • who looks like they care about casual fashion and could assist customers with latest trends?
  • if i were a customer who looks like the would know how assist me on personal level and just not regurgitate text book jargon for commission..sending out the door with some k-swiss in 2010?
It's hard to really over-dress for an interview, unless you're in a tuxedo.

I wore a button up, tie, and dress pants. Probably more than most people wore, but I looked good and got the job.

They'll ask you your three biggest strengths, weaknesses, why you want to work there, a time where you had to show initiative or responsibility, etc.
Originally Posted by supreme math

                   "hi i'm here for the interview"                                         "hi i'm here for the interivew"
  • who fits the profile that cruel after school kids ready to flame someone would respect while shopping for kicks?
  • who looks like a team player,  who looks like they're out for my job?
  • who looks like they care about casual fashion and could assist customers with latest trends?
  • if i were a customer who looks like the would know how assist me on personal level and just not regurgitate text book jargon for commission..sending out the door with some k-swiss in 2010?
Dude on the left looks homosexual and the dude on the right looks like he's wearing his older brothers suit.

i forgot the list of questions but just make it sound like ur interested in the's a real easy job to get and from what i know...alot of Finishlines are hiring this week so yu gotta good chance...
Be prepared to push customers for that damn 41 program.
I worked there for 2 years from 2006 to 2008.

Eff you Sofsole!
Originally Posted by OctobersFinest

Dude on the left looks homosexual and the dude on the right looks like he's wearing his older brothers suit.
so now clothes determine your sexuality?
with the new armed forces "don't ask don't tell policy"  do homosexual troops
get pink camo fatigues?

even if he was homosexual, i'd still give him the job (pause) over the other dude.
in psych class you display what's called "scope" your preception of the world.

you saw homosexual male which was probably triggered by internalized homophobia.
i saw metro sexual guy with fashion sense.

either or what did your statement have to do with whoo's properly dress for an interview at finish line?
nah dude. wear a nice button up or a polo, some khakis or maybe even slacks, and some dress or casual shoes (depending on type of pant).i wouldnt go in there with a sportcoat, i mean, they dont even where polos anymore for their uniform, just a t-shirt that says "sneakerologist". which from my past experiences, they are not.
One of the few things I remember from business class in high school is to dress 1 step up above the job you are applying for.

So in this case a suit would be the wrong choice.

When I worked for Finishline a couple years ago all I wore to the interview were some slacks, and a long sleeve polo.

It's more about your confidence than anything tho.
Originally Posted by J23S

Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Originally Posted by Nktran001

I wore a blk/purple RL polo, RL khakis, and Aqua VIII's.
And yes, I got the job.

I don't know how, that's an ignorant outfit to wear to a job interview.
You gotta remember so of these cats are young, he probably thought he was doing it. He must have done something right since he got the job but that wont fly in the corporate world
So very true
son is avg 2+ DIFFERENT jobs per year and hes 26 y/o, no bueno.

what a clown.
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Originally Posted by supreme math

Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Originally Posted by supreme math

in this 12 year span i've had over 27 jobs

I'm done with you after reading that. What a joke.

kids gotta love em...

i've traveled over the entire contiental u.s. of a.
living in different 8 states.
while you hold down the same b/s job and may never leave state lines.
traveling helps you understand more about yourself and people'll begin to notice personalities are the same just clothes and accent changes.
anyone who've traveled on NT can tell you this.

i can identify idiots with pin point accuarcy and choose not to argue with them
oh an i'm studying for a CAREER, JOBS and CAREERS are two totally different things.

..i know which on you'll be working at 40.
Why risk it, wear a dress shirt dress pants and a tie. If people think that is overdressing than they are in for a rude awakening
Originally Posted by supreme math

Originally Posted by OctobersFinest

Dude on the left looks homosexual and the dude on the right looks like he's wearing his older brothers suit.
so now clothes determine your sexuality?
with the new armed forces "don't ask don't tell policy"  do homosexual troops
get pink camo fatigues?

even if he was homosexual, i'd still give him the job (pause) over the other dude.
in psych class you display what's called "scope" your preception of the world.

you saw homosexual male which was probably triggered by internalized homophobia.
i saw metro sexual guy with fashion sense.

either or what did your statement have to do with whoo's properly dress for an interview at finish line?

I'm not afraid of the gays.  He just looks like gay man to me.  Don't be offended.
i was an am at fnl. here is a preview of some of the questions to expect

3 greatest strength weakness, if i were to ask a previous boss/teacher what would they say

name a major accomplishment and what was your role

name one thing that you like about selling or what you think you would like about selling

if i were to ask a previous boss or teacher/counselor what would they say about your work ethic and attendance

what is the difference between good service and excellent service
Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

If you get the job, just be sure to ask to work stock. Best. Job. EVER. lol

while working at FL, spent all my time in the stock room with a laptop and some tissues.
Originally Posted by supreme math

kids gotta love em...

i've traveled over the entire contiental u.s. of a.
living in different 8 states.
while you hold down the same b/s job and may never leave state lines.
traveling helps you understand more about yourself and people'll begin to notice personalities are the same just clothes and accent changes.
anyone who've traveled on NT can tell you this.

i can identify idiots with pin point accuarcy and choose not to argue with them
oh an i'm studying for a CAREER, JOBS and CAREERS are two totally different things.

..i know which on you'll be working at 40.

Cool story bro.
Originally Posted by supreme math

i'm done arguing with dollar a day sidekick data plan kids....I LIVE LIFE for REAL

good luck op..

Yet you are blogging about MTV's scripted "real world" in your blog, and Kim Kardashian gossip.

Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23

Originally Posted by supreme math

i'm done arguing with dollar a day sidekick data plan kids....I LIVE LIFE for REAL

good luck op..

Yet you are blogging about MTV's scripted "real world" in your blog, and Kim Kardashian gossip.

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