Instagram Post - White Block

Apr 2, 2007
I’m not sure if it’s my phone settings or page settings. I am able to see all Twitter and YouTube posts. For some reason, I’m unable to see any Instagram posts - they’re white blank box’s. Only happens in the ‘Rap About Nothing: Hip Hop Chat Thread.’

Running iOS 16.1.2

8910CBB2-FA0D-4932-B84B-C4CB02866C13.png 1D7E622F-3341-4878-838B-D6BFDF078D49.png
While frustrating, this appears to be a Safari/IG thing. Whether it’s worked this week or it hasn’t, our site code has remained the same.
What privacy settings are you using for Safari?

Do you all have “prevent cross-site tracking” enabled? If so, that’s exactly what Safari is doing.
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