If your pops was cheating on your moms...

Nov 15, 2007
I was talking with one of my boys yesterday and he was telling us he knows his pops cheats. He was like, "This N_ be workin' mad random hours, oneday comin' home early, next day late and he has like three different cell phones. And the other day he asked me if I knew he was cheating, would I tell mymother?" I was like if I knew my pops was cheating, hell yea I would tell my moms, after punching that dude in the face first. My boy was likethat's there buissness and if my pops is cheating on her, then that's his buissness. Just like I want him outside of my personal life, I stay out oftheir's.

If hypothetically you knew one of your parents were cheating, what would you do?
That #!#$ is not cool at all...tore my fam apart
Well my dad did cheat on my mom. I was 4, blah blah blah fast forward 15 years to today he remarried and I live across the country with my mom and sister. Idont harbor any bad feelings though, because I was too young to remember any of that and am a forgiving person. And he does do his best to be a good father,which I respect and am grateful for.
try and talk to the man get 'em to stop first without having to do that to your mom.
if he continues to do it. then tell your mom.
You'd better be 10000000000000000% correct
(pics,names,FBI recorded messages,satellite photos of him in route to her crib,etc
i found out my dad was cheating when i was younger. He left his aol account open and I just read his emails.

I was young at the time so it hit me hard. I couldn't keep it in me for more then a few hours before I told my mom.

He travels to mexico a lot for business and he had met a mexican lady that my mom sort of knew about and he has mentioned before to us saying how we shouldmeet her when we go out to mexico to see him because shes his friend. I saw a picture of her and she was def missing a tooth but whatever.

She didn't want me to say anything to him that I knew. We installed a computer program that we could view what he was typing and +$#%. One day, he got meso mad at the dinner table I just spazzed on him and told him everything. Then that just led to everyone at the table getting upset and stuff.

My mom stayed with him because of me and my brother and now they still dont get along and actually she is wanting a divorce but he wont give it to her.Different story
LMAO, it's not my moms. Im in Cali and my fam in NY, so even if my pops was cheating, which I know he isn't (my pops to old for that $$*+ now), therewould be no way for me to know. This is my boy's situation.
Originally Posted by tmukg21

You'd better be 10000000000000000% correct
(pics,names,FBI recorded messages,satellite photos of him in route to her crib,etc

real talk
I knew my dad was cheating and I didn't know how to tell my mom, so I asked her if she knew he was cheating what would she do, she said she didn't knowwhat she'd do but she would most likely try to work it out. So I never said anything, she found out on her own, they're still together to this day. Mydad quit cheating, I'm positive of it,they've now been married for 32 years or so. She pretends like it never happened, like she never caught him, butI heard them arguing one night and she was letting him have it about cheating on her. She's an emotional wreck now because of it.
YO! real talk my dad took me on date with his girlfriend to see New Jack City i was 5 didnt know he was cheating
... I was so young...
ask pops first. Then ask him how much he willing to pay to keep that from moms. j/k.

get the facts first! 3 phones? dayem he balling.
Been here before.

Came home and a rubber was in the toilet. At first I was like "Ew... But okay, Moms and Pops is still getting it in. I'm cool with that".

Then I hear him talkin on the phone when I was still in Bed and he's in the next room talkin bout when he's gonna move out and whatever blah blah blah.Then he closes out the convo wit "And I got real horny while I was gone, too" To which I pulled a quick "AYO!" because my Pops had justgotten back from Atlanta, which would have REALLY messed me up in the head.

Then he's actin all extra lovey dovey with Moms and what not, and she's extra happy, so I decide to not say anything in the hopes that it was allcoincidences that could be explained, like he was always talkin to my Moms in the first place, etc. I didn't say nada.

I go away to college, and he comes to pick me up for a weekend and busts out "So you know me and you Moms been going thru it lately and we prolly gonnadivorce... I told her I had cheated". My reaction?: "Did she hit you?"

Personally, I was never sure, so I didn't say anything. But I mean Pops got sloppy. When I found out for sure, though, I wasn't surprised at all. Notthat it's excusable or anything, but my Pops been a #@++ his whole life, and a Musician for about two thirds of THAT. So to me it always seemed like it wasbound to happen anyway. I mean hell... My parents were married in April. I was born in September.
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