I went to Jail the other day!!!! Vol. Drunk Tank

May 7, 2005
I went out on Tuesday and got tore up. I was having a great time then when I was about to make the dumbest mistake of driving in that condition I startthrowing up
in the street my friends tried to take my keys and I wasgoing off I don't remember anything else other than a cop passed by and he came to see what was going on and I gave my keys to a friend but I wastalking#%*# to the cop or something next thing you know I'm in a cell
. I was like what the hell happened cuz I couldn't remember anything and to top it off Ihad no shirt on because I ripped it off. So I'm in this cell by myself feeling like crap and I ask the cop Can I go home? He said 4 more hours
and gave me a shirt to wear
and some cornflakes. I fell asleep until they woke me up fingerprinted me , ran my printsand let me go she said I did'nt have to go to court or pay a fine just don't do it again. Does this mean there are no charges pressed?
So lesson learned: Don't drink to the point you can't remember anything its a terrible feeling
Positive side: At least I didn't kill myself or somebody else by driving drunk. Or wake up in jail with a dui

I walked out of jail went to buy a shirt, then went to starbucks to clean myself up and buy a cofee and walked to my car 2 miles to wait for my friend to bringmy keys. The car was still there
and the door was unlocked , My ipodwas still there on the passenger seat
at least you didn't drive.. you better thank your peoples for stopping you.
i don't drink, but my friend was gone, and was tryna drive and he ended up tryna fight us cuz we wouldnt let him leave
Originally Posted by JLsAUDIO

didnt read .. but yeah that sucks... DUI's are the worst.. expect fines up the A
Why would you post but not read?

Fungus - that's coo that nothing serious occurred. My gf was tooooasted the other day.. stumblin thru the street with many a bicycle policman watching. Ithought they were gonna press me about it... they jus let us go with no too much crap tho
I think you were lucky more than anything man. Got outta jail free, no charges, car is still intact even with the doors unlocked and your ipods still there.Lucky
at the Hogan pic

my cousin has a similar story, but instead of cornflakes they gave him a toothbrush.
be thankful that they let you go. My friend was taken to the tank and had to pay fines and attend AA meetings.
Originally Posted by JLsAUDIO

didnt read .. but yeah that sucks... DUI's are the worst.. expect fines up the A

But yeah, in this case it seems like jail was one of your better options. Good to see you're okay and DUI free.
I didn't get so lucky....
I went to jail the weekend before thanksgiving on a DUI,
I clearly was not drunk, I was drinkin around 8 or 9 pm, got arrested at 3:30am

The Officer was a prick, and wouldn't even let me boy drive my car, took my phone and wouldn't let me get any numbers out of it,

So I had to stay in jail for 4 days until I magically remembered the only number that was not a cell phone,

Now I'm talkin to lawyers everyday trying to prevent my L's from gettin revoked, and I got court next month.....not to mention this is all costing me apretty penny....

Pissed I am!
^ is that lebron in your avvy? Sucks about the DUI.

OP, sounds like no harm was done, take a W my dude!

You weren't sober when you went to jail, so are you still not walking straight now that you are out?
didnt read .. but yeah that sucks... DUI's are the worst.. expect fines up the A
Care about post count much?

Thats good deal glad to see your safe and didnt hurt anyone else.
What's so great about dude getting so drunk that he ends up in jail? You could've killed someone, they should hit you with whatever fines they have.That crap bothers me: someone gets smashed and the next day its all a joke, not cool...Thank goodness they locked you up before you didn't something reallydumb..
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