i think my license is about to get suspended

May 30, 2007
got caught going 48 in a 25 tonight
i just got a ticket for going 50 in a 35 a couple weeks ago
had a "following too closely", 48 in a 35, and no seatbelt all in the summer of 2009
made a left turn at a "no left turn" at some point in 2008 or 2009
had a 79 in a 65 in like november of 2007 (i think it should be off my record by now...i hope it only stays for 3 years at least...)

i know i should be driving slower, but am i screwed? anyone know how the point system works and how many points you get before you get your license suspended?

also, i went to driving school after i got my first ticket in 2007. i should have gotten some positive points for that. do those disappear at all?
got caught going 48 in a 25 tonight
i just got a ticket for going 50 in a 35 a couple weeks ago
had a "following too closely", 48 in a 35, and no seatbelt all in the summer of 2009
made a left turn at a "no left turn" at some point in 2008 or 2009
had a 79 in a 65 in like november of 2007 (i think it should be off my record by now...i hope it only stays for 3 years at least...)

i know i should be driving slower, but am i screwed? anyone know how the point system works and how many points you get before you get your license suspended?

also, i went to driving school after i got my first ticket in 2007. i should have gotten some positive points for that. do those disappear at all?
I don't have a clue as to whether you're "screwed" or not,but I know one thing... You need to slow the hell down before you seriously hurt/kill someone.
I don't have a clue as to whether you're "screwed" or not,but I know one thing... You need to slow the hell down before you seriously hurt/kill someone.
Point system runs from 1-12, the higher number being the worst.

In a 2-year period:

3-4 points = Written Caution

5-7 points = Point System Conference (PSC) and/or Driver Improvement (I assume that's what you did for your '07 ticket)

8-11 points = Suspension

12 = Revocation

So let's see how this applies to you:

48 in a 25 tonight = 2 points

50 in a 35 = 2 points

Tailgating/no seatbelt = fines, no points

48 in a 35 = 2 points

Improper Turn = 1 point

The 2007 ticket should be expunged by now. The only way to find out is to obtain a copy of your driving record. If this offense is still there, file the appropriate paperwork to get it expunged.

SO... it looks like you're right up there with 7 points. I'd hate to see what your insurance premium looks like.

If possible (even if they don't ask you to), take more driver improvement programs or anything to gain positive points. Just make sure you're gaining positive points before throwing your money away at a program. When you factor in insurance costs, lowering points with one of these programs is your best bet, even if they're pricey.

Good luck, I got caught doing 92 in a 55 (which carries 5 points).

I appealed and eventually got probation before judgment... meaning I had to stay moving violation free for a year after I was granted it and my ticket would go away.

I did just that and I'm good now.

Might want to invest in a GOOD radar detector too... my Escort Passport X50 has already paid for itself with all of the tickets I've avoided with a 1-2 mile speed cushion!

Point system runs from 1-12, the higher number being the worst.

In a 2-year period:

3-4 points = Written Caution

5-7 points = Point System Conference (PSC) and/or Driver Improvement (I assume that's what you did for your '07 ticket)

8-11 points = Suspension

12 = Revocation

So let's see how this applies to you:

48 in a 25 tonight = 2 points

50 in a 35 = 2 points

Tailgating/no seatbelt = fines, no points

48 in a 35 = 2 points

Improper Turn = 1 point

The 2007 ticket should be expunged by now. The only way to find out is to obtain a copy of your driving record. If this offense is still there, file the appropriate paperwork to get it expunged.

SO... it looks like you're right up there with 7 points. I'd hate to see what your insurance premium looks like.

If possible (even if they don't ask you to), take more driver improvement programs or anything to gain positive points. Just make sure you're gaining positive points before throwing your money away at a program. When you factor in insurance costs, lowering points with one of these programs is your best bet, even if they're pricey.

Good luck, I got caught doing 92 in a 55 (which carries 5 points).

I appealed and eventually got probation before judgment... meaning I had to stay moving violation free for a year after I was granted it and my ticket would go away.

I did just that and I'm good now.

Might want to invest in a GOOD radar detector too... my Escort Passport X50 has already paid for itself with all of the tickets I've avoided with a 1-2 mile speed cushion!

And if your license does end up being suspended, here's your options:

What options do I have if I receive a notice of suspension from the MVA?

You may receive either a Notice of Point Suspension or a Notice of Suspension.

The Notice of Point Suspension means that you have accumulated 8, 9, 10 or 11 points. However, none of your points is for a conviction of an alcohol or drug-related violation. When you receive this notice, you have two options:


Accept the suspension - In this case, you must return your last issued driver's license to the MVA no later than the suspension date shown on your notice. If you are late in returning your license, your suspension period will be extended by the number of days that you delay. You may return the license by mail or in person to any MVA office or to the Administrative Adjudication Division (AAD) in the Glen Burnie MVA office. You should ask for a receipt if you return the license in person. If you are no longer in possession of the driver's license, you must submit a written explanation or visit any MVA full-service branch office and complete a Certified Statement form indicating why you no longer have the license.



Request a hearing - If you would like to request a hearing to show cause why the suspension should not be imposed, you must complete and return the notice and the filing fee, within 15 days from the notice date. Details about how to request the hearing are included on the notice. Once your hearing request and fee have been received, your suspension will be held in abeyance until the hearing is completed. The Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH), which conducts the hearing, will notify you of its location, date, and time.

via http://www.mva.maryland.g...INFO/26100/26100-02T.htm

And if your license does end up being suspended, here's your options:

What options do I have if I receive a notice of suspension from the MVA?

You may receive either a Notice of Point Suspension or a Notice of Suspension.

The Notice of Point Suspension means that you have accumulated 8, 9, 10 or 11 points. However, none of your points is for a conviction of an alcohol or drug-related violation. When you receive this notice, you have two options:


Accept the suspension - In this case, you must return your last issued driver's license to the MVA no later than the suspension date shown on your notice. If you are late in returning your license, your suspension period will be extended by the number of days that you delay. You may return the license by mail or in person to any MVA office or to the Administrative Adjudication Division (AAD) in the Glen Burnie MVA office. You should ask for a receipt if you return the license in person. If you are no longer in possession of the driver's license, you must submit a written explanation or visit any MVA full-service branch office and complete a Certified Statement form indicating why you no longer have the license.



Request a hearing - If you would like to request a hearing to show cause why the suspension should not be imposed, you must complete and return the notice and the filing fee, within 15 days from the notice date. Details about how to request the hearing are included on the notice. Once your hearing request and fee have been received, your suspension will be held in abeyance until the hearing is completed. The Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH), which conducts the hearing, will notify you of its location, date, and time.

via http://www.mva.maryland.g...INFO/26100/26100-02T.htm

dammit...that info got me really happy until i realized it was for maryland. i'm in va though...but i thought about investing in a radar detector before. i read that the technology for cops is always changing though so it'd be pointless. does yours ever give you any problems?
dammit...that info got me really happy until i realized it was for maryland. i'm in va though...but i thought about investing in a radar detector before. i read that the technology for cops is always changing though so it'd be pointless. does yours ever give you any problems?
My bad, here's some info about the VA point system http://www.dmv.com/va/virginia/dmv-point-system

(I'd break it down but I'm late for class)

As far as my radar detector goes, it does wonders. No problems whatsoever.

Just don't be cheap when it comes to investing in one of these, my bro got a cheap one and still raked up some tickets.

BUT since you're in VA... they're illegal. I got stopped at Reagan for having one and it came with a $101 fine. FML.

My bad, here's some info about the VA point system http://www.dmv.com/va/virginia/dmv-point-system

(I'd break it down but I'm late for class)

As far as my radar detector goes, it does wonders. No problems whatsoever.

Just don't be cheap when it comes to investing in one of these, my bro got a cheap one and still raked up some tickets.

BUT since you're in VA... they're illegal. I got stopped at Reagan for having one and it came with a $101 fine. FML.

damn i was hoping i could use the excuse that i only used it when i went into md and other states, but i guess that won't work if they still gave you a ticket and you actually live in maryland. what'd they say when they gave you a ticket for that?
damn i was hoping i could use the excuse that i only used it when i went into md and other states, but i guess that won't work if they still gave you a ticket and you actually live in maryland. what'd they say when they gave you a ticket for that?
it may be dangerous but theres an android app to detect what police are in your area also...i dont know how live it is though
it may be dangerous but theres an android app to detect what police are in your area also...i dont know how live it is though
i think i know what app you're talking about. it only works if other people are using it too and report where police are set up.
i think i know what app you're talking about. it only works if other people are using it too and report where police are set up.
At first the cop said he pulled me over because he suspected I was speeding (mind you he was outside of his vehicle laughing it up with his other cop buddies as I drove by).

The speed limit in the arrivals for DCA is like 25mph and I was going maybe 27mph
, then he spotted the radar on my windshield which was off.

I knew they were illegal in VA BUT that's why mine wasn't even on.

But the law states if it is "readily accessible" then a ticket will be issued. BS. Damn pigs.

At first the cop said he pulled me over because he suspected I was speeding (mind you he was outside of his vehicle laughing it up with his other cop buddies as I drove by).

The speed limit in the arrivals for DCA is like 25mph and I was going maybe 27mph
, then he spotted the radar on my windshield which was off.

I knew they were illegal in VA BUT that's why mine wasn't even on.

But the law states if it is "readily accessible" then a ticket will be issued. BS. Damn pigs.

well so much for that i guess.

if anyone ever needs the info in the future, here's what i've gotten so far:

in va, if you accumulate 18 points over a 12 month period or 24 points over a 24 month period, your license will be suspended by the dmv

i contacted a couple traffic lawyers here and they all said my driving record is gonna make it difficult to get my reckless driving reduced, but one guy said he thinks we have a good chance.
well so much for that i guess.

if anyone ever needs the info in the future, here's what i've gotten so far:

in va, if you accumulate 18 points over a 12 month period or 24 points over a 24 month period, your license will be suspended by the dmv

i contacted a couple traffic lawyers here and they all said my driving record is gonna make it difficult to get my reckless driving reduced, but one guy said he thinks we have a good chance.
Dress nice, tell the judge you are a student and not currently working and live with your parents, and request probation before judgment. If the judge is being a ****, suggest that you are willing to attend a drivers improvement course in lieu of a stricter penalty. Most traffic court judges are willing to work with you, and only crack down on the true idiots... speeding is the least of their concern. I've had like 5 PBJs in traffic court and never incurred points, I know what I am talking about.
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