"I Like A Long-Haired Thick REDBONE..." 8O

Sep 25, 2004
prays and hopes this doesn't turn into another light vs. dark thread
Being a light-skinned dude, I probably don't show my light-skinned ladies that much love. Unlike the majority of the guys on here, they're as averageas any other girl you might run into at the club or even your local supermarket. Bearing that in mind, I think we celebrate one of God's gifts to mankind:beautiful redbones!
(Feel free to add your favorites, and um, I hopethis doesn't alienate any of the non-redbone female NTer's.) #BURR!

this aint going to work because dudes dont know the difference between a light skinned ckick, yellow bone, red bone, or dark skinned chick. so unless ya candifferentiate between the 4, hell even between a yellow and red this thread = fail

then once the 'people' that dont like women of a darker shade, it will be downhill from there

oh and i had this one chick come up to me in the mall and called me a redbone
A beautiful woman period is appreciated

Anyway a pic for the beast
Originally Posted by doosta45

this aint going to work because dudes dont know the difference between a light skinned ckick, yellow bone, red bone, or dark skinned chick. so unless ya can differentiate between the 4, hell even between a yellow and red this thread = fail

then once the 'people' that dont like women of a darker shade, it will be downhill from there

oh and i had this one chick come up to me in the mall and called me a redbone

People love to complain without contributing to solving the problem. Post pics for the uninformed
Originally Posted by doosta45

this aint going to work because dudes dont know the difference between a light skinned ckick, yellow bone, red bone, or dark skinned chick. so unless ya can differentiate between the 4, hell even between a yellow and red this thread = fail

then once the 'people' that dont like women of a darker shade, it will be downhill from there

oh and i had this one chick come up to me in the mall and called me a redbone
then why dont you be so kind as to explain the difference good sir
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