Sep 5, 2013
i got off work at 1 am.

im driving home and i see this dude crossing the street and when i get maybe 15 feet away from him he proceeds to lay down in the right lane...i started to

 HONK like a maniac.

i was in the left lane and going 45 the speed limit, the person behind me on the right lane was going a tad bit faster.

i was so damn scared while i was passing thinking he was going to jump in front of my car..he stumbled like he was getting up but i didnt stick around to see..

as soon as i passed the stop lights i pulled over hit the hazards and called the cops, i was not about to stop right close to homie.

especially in that part of the road and all these drunk idiots.

thank god i have great eyes and saw homie walking from about 30 feet away, had no clue he was going to do that.

after i told the operator where dude was laying down, i gave a description and when i got off the phone i broke down a lil bit.

it was too much...the whole way home i was trying to hold it in, but damn man i almost just helped some dude end his life.

i really dont think anyone saw em or figured out why i was honking..


i walked in the door when i got home and i cried like a lil girl.
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You saved his life my g!!!
i really hope so..

i didnt want to turn back to see if he did get hit, i just hope that my honking got his *** to realize what he was doing was pretty stupid.

as i got closer he kinda stumbled to get back up but i dont know if he ever did. 
i really hope so..

i didnt want to turn back to see if he did get hit, i just hope that my honking got his *** to realize what he was doing was pretty stupid.

as i got closer he kinda stumbled to get back up but i dont know if he ever did. :\

It's ok to feel traumatized. You cared enough to call, if you got out of your car or something this drunk cat might have hit you with that nothing to lose fade- and 2k14 would be a mess u feel me.
da **** were you crying for?

da skirt, it must come down b
i dunno man just thinking about all the brains n ish smashing through my windshield.

its okay man you must not have a car job or anything to live for, when things like that happen it kind of makes you appreciate your life a bit more.

i guess i was thinking about how bad it must be for a person to take it that far.

ive thought of killing myself when i was in my dark times but never went through with it, hopefully this dude was just drunk and snapped out of it after i honked like a madman.

thanks for caring about my feelings tho.

im ok.
Damn son I feel you

The other day I got in a accident with my bro
The car shut off and it made It hard for him to steer and almost went into a lake
Glad we hit a tree or it would be a wrap
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You called the cops on him? What the hell for? Was probably some drunk dude walking home on New Years. You probably got him arrested for public drunkenness. :smh: :smh:
Cried like a girl tho...

Saw a fatal accident occur outside my apartment window, it was unfortunate and disheartening watching them pull the body from the car but it is what it is.
Never look back if u hit sumthin.

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Dude might of have been drunk out his mind and not necessarily looking to end his life.

Taking your own life is never the solution and I never could understand why - but I know individuals can hit such lows that there's no hint of light in sight. But, there are others that for the stupidest **** (my girl of 3 weeks left me) contemplate suicide .... So don't feel as bad - you know never know what was going on there.

Either way good looks man - most people would of have past and not even care of what could of happened.
Dude might of have been drunk out his mind and not necessarily looking to end his life.

Taking your own life is never the solution and I never could understand why - but I know individuals can hit such lows that there's no hint of light in sight. But, there are others that for the stupidest **** (my girl of 3 weeks left me) contemplate suicide .... So don't feel as bad - you know never know what was going on there.

Either way good looks man - most people would of have past and not even care of what could of happened.
yeah, never understood why anyone would want to kill themselves or even physically hurt themselves 
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