I auditioned for a NIKE commercial yesterday

Aug 29, 2008
Before my audition the casting director told me that I'd get a call back next week to the final castingcall due to my build. But then it was my turn to audition.
The commercial is for Nike football - anyhow, I severely broke my leg just 3 months ago, and I haven't really done anyhigh aerobic activity since the accident, not to mention my lungs were %++##% up due to my surgery..anyhow - fast forward to yesterday, I went there thinkingthis thing would be easy and I'd be in no problem, but then the director was like, "I need to bust your *%% to show the client that this is truestuff" so he put is through some ******ed repetitive drill ...I WAS DONE after the first go...my turn finally came and I was so gone that I couldn'teven say the lines I had to say...I felt like I was coughing up blood - that's how badly I was out of shape...my legs were jelly

I really want to be in the commercial, but after that performance, who knows...they shoot in BC Canada and will fly us outthere for free and pay us depending on how much we are involved...either way...BC

Good luck to me
Originally Posted by TD The God

Before my audition the casting director told me that I'd get a call back next week to the final casting call due to my build. But then it was my turn to audition.
The commercial is for Nike football - anyhow, I severely broke my leg just 3 months ago, and I haven't really done any high aerobic activity since the accident, not to mention my lungs were @%@$%% up do to my surgery..anyhow - fast forward to yesterday, I went there thinking this thing would be easy and I'd be in no problem, but then the director was like, "I need to bust your $@$ to show the client that this is true stuff" so he put is through some ******ed repetitive drill ...I WAS DONE after the first go...my turn finally came and I was so gone that I couldn't even say the lines I had to say...I felt like I was coughing up blood - that's how badly I was out of shape...my legs were jelly

I really want to be in the commercial, but after that performance, who knows...they shoot in BC Canada and will fly us out there for free and pay us depending on how much we are involved...either way...BC

Good luck to me

My friend was just in one for running. He had to run for 12 hours straight for two days. Got paid like 400 a day or something like that. They treat you goodand give you food, but you dont get to keep any equipment and you have to run like CRAZY. Good luck.
I remember Ben Baller said that you can make a good living just off making commercials....said that "Can you hear me now?" cat is ballin
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

I remember Ben Baller said that you can make a good living just off making commercials....said that "Can you hear me now?" cat is ballin

Thats different. Hes like a persona, so theyll pay a ton to keep him, just like the Mac/PC guys. From what I have heard Nike is terrible when it comes to paywith commercials compared with other companies. Not surprising at all.
Originally Posted by AgentArenas

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

I remember Ben Baller said that you can make a good living just off making commercials....said that "Can you hear me now?" cat is ballin

Thats different. Hes like a persona, so theyll pay a ton to keep him, just like the Mac/PC guys. From what I have heard Nike is terrible when it comes to pay with commercials compared with other companies. Not surprising at all.

Duh. Look at who makes their shoes.

Wait...too soon?

Originally Posted by Supermanblue79
wherei s everyione getting these avys?

and does Nike pay, or does the marketing company coordinate all the ad shoots?
Originally Posted by nkwu11

Originally Posted by Supermanblue79
wherei s everyione getting these avys?

and does Nike pay, or does the marketing company coordinate all the ad shoots?
They pay to a MAX of $1500/12hr day....the shoot is a 2 day shoot....I'd prolly only get aG total if I get the part....it really aint even for the cash tho....

I just got an email from the director, he is showing the film to Nike today, we'll see whats good....I'm kinda madI wore full under armour that day, even tho it was cold as all hell...they won't be able to see my muscles...
Originally Posted by TD The God

They pay to a MAX of $1500/12hr day....the shoot is a 2 day shoot....I'd prolly only get a G total if I get the part....it really aint even for the cash tho....

I just got an email from the director, he is showing the film to Nike today, we'll see whats good....I'm kinda mad I wore full under armour that day, even tho it was cold as all hell...they won't be able to see my muscles...

Word. Good luck man.

but...you wore under armour...to a Nike audition?
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