I’m having a hard time doing this on my own…

The game is set up for you to get married and stay put. So either you conform, or you make it happen. As soon as you start getting ahead, they hit you with taxes, or home repairs etc. They want you behind that eight ball. They want you struggling.

It’s either make more money, move to a lower cost of living area, share bills with someone else, or suffer.

I moved.
Well we need more context. doesn’t have to be spot on and obviously tell what you’re comfortable with.

how much are each thing you owe? You got debt?

Can you make any adjustments to get the bills to go down?

besdies bills what Do you spend money on? You cook? Eat out alot?
I’m going through it right now too, it sucks bro. I have found eating out 1-2x a week max helps a ton. Stopped going out for coffee everyday as well.

I am a 6-figure man but it doesn’t feel like it with how we are taxed. Could be worse though so I won’t complain too much
Try a budget. Might be more money around than you know. First big thing that surprises folks how much they spend on is eating out and groceries. I feel you though, still feels like it's never enough.
Gotta increase that paper, it’s the only way…The good things is it’s alotta different routes to go about it if you got some hustle, connections or willing to take some risks

Also, I tell all my young homies it’s important to wrap it up and choose the chicks you messing with wisely…If you can avoid slippin up on those things life wont be as tough solo, even if you don’t got the bread like that
Don’t worry about saving. Increase your income. It’s the only realistic way. Those books talking about don’t eat don’t have a coffee that stuff is nonsense. When rent and mortgages the way they are the only realistic thing is to greatly increase your income.
Get on a plan. Each week you have this amount. Each month same thing.

It’ll be tough for a little bit but understand you are better off than majority of people. It can always be worse.

Get your head above water.

Once you do that and feel comfortable financially then explore options to make your life better.
What are your spending habits though Koop.

Plus you got kids and we know how that works. Tl

We need more info though.

I pray you win the lottery.

It’s these ******* kids man 😤

I love them with all my heart but **** these kids man!

I think I just need to reset and get my budget together.

I stopped buying clothes and shoes a while ago I think eating out has to be the next thing to go.

I honestly think Doordash is the main thing.

I had stopped for a while I don’t know what got me back on this ****.
This, especially if you can get paid more somewhere else.

Getting married and combining income helps with bills/quality of life, but it significantly ties you down to an area, which is a problem when you know you can get paid better in other places.

THIS! Geographic flexibility can be a game changer alone depending on your industry and you lose that in a relationship. It’s honestly why I have never been married because I didn’t want to have to commit to a location because that flexibility is a crucial asset none of my contemporaries have due to significant others and children.

Think twice about that before getting into a relationship that will anchor you but moving may be a non-starter since you have children anyway
DEFINITELY cut back on the Doordash

I used to order a lot from them too and that **** adds up really quick

Oh yeah - forgot to comment on this as well. It kind of meshes with conversation in the tipping thread but between delivery fees, the app’s fees and tips, you are paying a significant markup.

Not sure how into food and health you are but there are definitely lower cost options available as I think you know because I believe I have seen you in the food thread :lol:

Do you not know how to cook, not like to cook or do you not have the time to cook?

I’m 6 figs, but still hard out here in Cali.
I ain’t gon lie tho. I eat out a lot and drink a crap ton. Def save tho bro. Once you see that saving get in the thousands, you just want to keep seeing it grow.
Oh yeah - going out to party/drink is another thing. If you do, cutting down or eliminating that will save you money as well. Also be smart with dating.
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