How do you think the Air Jordan 2009's will compare to Air Jordan's of past?

Oct 19, 2004
Isn't this around the time when info and pics start leaking for the newest Jordan's? We've all seen the silhouette of the shoe, but with the shoesgoing to a new naming convention, in using Air Jordan 2009 instead of the I-XXIII numerals, I would like to see how the shoe will compare with the otherclassics of the past and present.

How do you think the Air Jordan 2009's will compare to Air Jordan's of past? won't compair..NOTHING about 09 and JB excites me..NOTHING!.....

Just gives me time 2 save money,catch up on old J's,prey like a hawk on Nike Retros
2008 > 2009 just becasue of the CDPs think about it every single jordan was retroed at least once....the only thing that could top that was another DMP andbetter quality CDPS
why are we talking about this

i hope this is not going to start already with newbie's making 23 post aweek about the 2009 j's
y even bother making a thread like this. nothing in this world is wat it used to be! its an inevitable thing called change.
laser 1s were the only 08 release i bought and i'm expecting even less next year. JB has sucked for years now
Anybody else noticed that there's ZERO demand for info on this shoe?
Some of the responses in this thread are inarticulate and poorly thought out.
I'm impressed at how so many people can condemn a shoe they've yet to see.
Originally Posted by swingshot

Some of the responses in this thread are inarticulate and poorly thought out.
I'm impressed at how so many people can condemn a shoe they've yet to see.

The Messiah has spoken, lol. Those who are without sin cast the first stone
Originally Posted by MySolesSoar

I think they'll be more "basketball" like. Nothing like I - V.
Yea I agree. I have a feeling that it's gonna be another half-a** jay they put out. As in, less focus put into the design and such. Kinda likethe CP3 IIs or the M5 or 6 whichever they just dropped. I'm not amped about em in any way. Doubt I'll cop.
i dont care really wat they look like im gonna just cop old retros
unless jb really wows me but im not gettin my hopes up
I am interested in seeing how the jordan 09s will look. JB aint trying to leak pics of nothing these days unless they are the air jordan Is or those ugly sixrings.
But back to the topic, the XX3 was disliked before the pics came out and now alot of people like them. so we won't know until we either see pics of the 09or see
them in the stores.
Originally Posted by HardLikeJordan

Isn't this around the time when info and pics start leaking for the newest Jordan's? We've all seen the silhouette of the shoe, but with the shoes going to a new naming convention, in using Air Jordan 2009 instead of the I-XXIII numerals, I would like to see how the shoe will compare with the other classics of the past and present.

How do you think the Air Jordan 2009's will compare to Air Jordan's of past?

That silhouette of the 09 in the catalog pics is generic. Jb has been putting out those pics for the last few years and they have no connection to the actualshoes whatsoever. As far as how the 09 will compare to shoes of the past I don't really know. There are people in this forum who have alluded to the factthat the tech in the shoe will make them the best jordans to ball in yet. So from a technical standpoint, they should be the best ever. Aesthetically however,it remains to be seen. Tinker didn't design these and imo I feel no one has been able to make jordans as visually appealing as Tinker himself. Also, somepeople who have seen it say there's nothing special about it while other say its nice. That being said, Jb has really dropped the ball about promoting thisshoe. They haven't leaked any pics and only little tid bits of info are leaked from the heavyweights here and there. Hopefully pics leak soon because IWANT to see this shoe. Also, does anyone know if these shoes are CONSIDERED like the xx3?
Whatever it is i hope when I first see it i say *@@ I love these hate these they re so ugly they just might be beautiful...havnt had that reaction since Ifirst saw pics of the XIX's

in fewer words...push the envelope.
Just my 2 cents...

I suspect these will be made exclusive to HoH, Europe, Asian Markets and Canada.

Why? For the obvious reasons...

- Folks at JB know 09 is gonna be a crappy year for J's and have already anticipated every little comment on this thread thus far about having NO DEMANDfor these kicks
- Gentry already hinted that after the XX3's the next Jordan will be "introduced in a whole different fashion than past models"

You can say that there's gonna be no hype for J's this upcoming year (in terms of retros) and it's gonna be really hard to top the success of theXX3 campaign. And I believe the 09's aren't designed by Tinker (?)

Moving forward, the flagship model has become the last resort in terms of boosting sales and generating hype.

So where is the selling point? Having considered the points I've listed, how do they expect to move units?...

With JB leaving behind the I-XXIII label and going with the AJ 2009 gives the shoe a "team" feel and not that usual sig. line feel. I can't waitto see pics, but I'm not expecting much.
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