How did your parents discipline you???

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Feb 14, 2014
I always got whoopings. Sometimes I would have to write pages out of the dictionary, encyclopedia, one time my daddy couldn't find a dictionary or encyclopedia, so he made me write like 10 pages out of the Cosmopolitan :stoneface: They would take my newest pair of shoes from me for like a month :lol: Sometimes my daddy would be like "Igght 12, Ima give you a choice. You can either get a whooping and do whatever you want. Or you can not get a whoop in but be on punishment" I'd be like "punishment :tongue: " He still let me play with my dog though :D

What did your parents do to set that *** straight???
Dad made me stand in a squat position for what seemed like forever at the time. Dude threatened to whoop my @#$ if I got up or sat down :lol: I swear this is why I've always had swole quads my whole life :lol:
As a young child, I used to get spanked and had to eat soap. The worst were the bare *** spankings :smh:

As I got older it'd be lockdown in the house. Although I'd still get to go to my hockey, soccer, baseball and basketball games/practices :pimp:
I'm Asian and I grew up in the homeland. With that said, my mom used to spank and hit me with anything, ie broom, bamboo sticks from the garden, etc.

Back in the early 1990s, it was ok for teachers to physically hit the students to an extent too. I remember a lot of us were lined up to get hit with metal rulers straight onto the palm or back hand for not getting As.

Then I came to the states for the 4th grade. Time out was a joke.
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explaining what I did that was wrong and making me find a solution.

second strike was belt/switch time.

Mom was reasonable, aunt spoiled me, grandma would woop dat ***.
Whoopings. Lots of em.
Standing in corners.
Standing with my arms outreached.

Wouldn't take back any of it. Made me who I am today.
I got beat with belts, extension cords, hangers, mom's didn't play when I was a young boy

But she never beats my little brothers
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Bamboo sticks???


I got a whoopin with an envelope before. Didn't really hurt. Started laughing when I went in my room.
Mom worked two jobs, no type of discipline.

She'd try to hide my gaming systems, would disconnect the cable...but we lived in a 2br apartment in the hood, I always found the cords and what not.

I was a terrible child :lol:
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Pops used to pull my ears or talk real serious.
Moms would hit me with anything in her hand. Vacuum cord, spatula, fly swatter, ect
I'm Asian and I grew up in the homeland. With that said, my mom used to spank and hit me with anything, ie broom, bamboo sticks from the garden, etc.

Back in the early 1990s, it was ok for teachers to physically hit the students to an extent too. I remember a lot of us were lined up to get hit with metal rulers straight onto the palm or back hand for not getting As.

Then I came to the states for the 4th grade. Time out was a joke.

Got chased with brooms, sandals, hangars, etc by mom all throughout childhood. She'd get extra mad at me for running :lol:
I only remember getting a belt whooping once, I'm the youngest so I pretty much got away with everything.

as I got older my oldest brother and my mom would try to take my skateboard away from me but your boy was always stacked with extras 
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