How Did you Decide Your Team "Loyalty"?

Sep 10, 2011
Just curious to see how people become fans of a certain team.

Did you become a fan because of the teams success? Or do you support the teams closest to you?

Me personally, I support my local teams.

So ..


How about the rest of you guys?
The majority of people got attached to a team because they were winning at that point or because of hometown affiliations.

I wont lie and say that the Spurs being good was not a factor in attracting me to the team, because that would be crazy. I've never even been to Texas, but regardless, I became a huge fan of Tim Duncan and in turn the team and it stuck. It became more about them just being good, but rather how they played, were coached, and how theyre managed.
Born in SF and always had fam there so I'd visit many times throughout the year, became a 49ers fan at a young age b/c of my grandfather

Lived in LA since I was 4, so naturally became a Laker fan
Giants came from my family liking them, They were originally in New York.
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Was a Nets fan since childhood bring from Jersey.  When they moved to BK there was no way i wasn't going ta stick with them
I was born and raised in the middle east and my first season watching basketball was 01 when Iverson had his MVP season. He was such an inspiration to me that I am sticking with my Sixers in the good and bad days....and yes...even days like this:
View media item 308059
:smh: :smh: This season had so much potential.
Born in San Francisco so I've always been a Giants and Niners fan. Picked up the Sharks later and I actually became a Laker fan around '98 than started going for the Warriors when Gilbert Arenas was still on the team.
I was born and raised 10 minutes from where the stadium is. Spent endless summers attending games. Honestly since my team has only been around since 95, I can honestly say I've grown with them and been there for all the horrible seasons.

I'll be a Panthers fan until I die!
I was born in north LA '78.
I was lucky enough to be born into Laker fandom.

Lived in SoCal most of my life. Never got into football until late 80's/Early 90's.
By then I resided in San Diego. Hence, loyalty to the Chargers.

San Diegans are weird though.
Lots of Laker haters down here. They are very loyal to their Chargers and Padres then like some random NBA team.
Got a 2 friends... Chargers, Padres..and Celtics?!
My best friends dad lived in San Diego for 40 yrs...Chargers, Padres and he retired to San Antonio so jumped the Spurs bandwagon.
Got a homegirl thats hella into sports. Chargers, Padres and Bulls.
One of my close friends from San Diego got Chargers, Padres and Suns.
Got a KG fan who got stuck with the Twolves. So Chargers, Padres and Twolves.

Me? Chargers/Dodgers/Lakers
Where I'm from, combined with who my pops/grandpops liked, combined with loyalty to certain players ( wasn't a big Yankees fan, but A-Rod was my guy so I pull for them)
Born in LA

Raised in Seattle

I'm boycotting the Mariners until the Sonics return.... They tried to stop the Arena from being built :smh:

No NBA in Seattle = Lakers (I used to go to the forum a lot as a little kid)
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Dallas Mavericks and Detroit Lions

Born in Michigan moved to Texas when I was 6.

I came in the world an underdog so I root for underdogs.

The Mavs were the worst sports team of the 90's

The Lions were the worst of the 00's.

Mavs gave me a championship in 11, Lions will in 14.
When I was young we used to get KTLA way out in New Mexico. I remember back in like '79 watching Lakers and Dodgers games with my dad and his brother. I've never even entertained rooting for another team. What's strange is that my dad is a huge Cowboys fan, but I've always felt the exact opposite about them. I'm not a big NFL fan, but I wouldn't even think about rooting for the Cowboys.
I honestly became a Pacer fan for the wrong reason back in 04 when I was 12. After that I just stuck with them because they were pretty good at the time. Even though we sucked for like 5 years after we blew the team up and Reggie retired.
Falcons - lived in the ATL for awhile

Braves - Same ^

Warriors/Thunder - From NC and been a big Steph Curry fan. Also never really had an NBA team before he hit the NBA, was a casual Sonics fan but not really. Steph and Russell are my favorite players tho

Canes - from NC 
Born and Raised in LA. Minutes from the coliseum and now close to staples

Rams fan so them at the coliseum.
Clippers fan my uncle used to take me when I was young to the sports arena. Even though they sucked for a long time I didnt want to jump on the lakers felt kind of fake doing it.
Dodgers come on I am from LA.
Rep any other LA team kings,galaxy,usc,ucla.
No one in my household watched the NFL. I was a syracuse lacrosse fan. My favorite player wore the number 18. So when I started playing I wore 18. I played NFL Fever 2000 videogame and decided to follow Peyton since he was on the cover and #18.

I grew up in the DMV but only started going to skins games in 2010. So I started rooting for the skins.
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born and raised in southern california.

raised as a dodger and laker fan by my dad.

no NFL team yet. my dad rooted for the la rams while they were here, but i never attached to them. if LA gets a football team, my allegiance will go to them.
Born and raised in boston...
just been a notre dame fan since i could remember tho.. so random
All basically picked up as a kid growing up, whatever I thought was cool and stuck to it.
Grant Hill to the Pistons... been a Pistons fan since.
Donovan McNabb to the Eagles.. Eagles forever
My entire family on both my parents side was born and raised in San Francisco. I was the last kid in my entire family born in the city, so naturally my dad raised me a 49ers and Giants fan, along with being a Cal Bears football and basketball fan

Raised in Sacramento my entire life, so the only NBA team I've ever liked was the Kings.

I watch Duke Basketball to piss my brother off. He's a Maryland fan. :lol:

NY Liberty fan since the Monarchs disbanded.

Casual Sharks fan. I'm not into hockey like I was as a kid

San Jose Earthquakes fan, now that my brother has gotten me into soccer.

I pretty much support local teams
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