How can I keep my money FOR ME ?

Mar 2, 2007
Ok, so I am a minor and have had a bank account since about a year ago when I first got my job. The money in the account is almost entirely from my paychecks(other cash from xmas, bday, etc.). Now, my parents are threatening to withdraw money as they please becuase of little things or grades.

So here's the question:
Since it takes a parents signature on all bank accounts, and therefore they are joint-owners of their kid's account, which allows them to withdraw moneyfrom the account as long as they have proof of being the parent,(not to sound selfish but), is there a way I can safely keepmy money protected?
that's messed up. if they take some money, they better just be holding it for you.. instead of spending it.

just withdraw it, rubber band the bills up, and throw em in your shoe box.
Stop smoking weed behind the dumpster and go to class, and maybe you wouldn't have this problem.
Its is safetly protected under your parents care. I would suggest you get better grades. I had one of those accounts when i was younger. Theres nothing you cando unless you get your own account but you still cant withdraw the money with out your parent sig so i guess your doomed.
waits for everyones favorite NTer to come in and tell you that your being selfish andyour parents are entitled to that money since they've been providing you with food, shelter, etc...

but i'd say you going to have to give your money the DJ Khaled treatment
thank God for that BROWN PAPER BAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGG.........

tell your parents you need some extra money for christmas shopping or anything you can justify. you gotta get them to sign the form and take that boy to bankand change to full amounts. then you can do like dude said and throw it in a shoebox or put it in a money order to yourself. if you NEED to get bread out justknow you might be charged a fee to cash it. but at least you won't have these problems anymore. this one is free
Start cashing in your checks at liquor stores or those cash checking places.
Why don't u stop being a bad student or just withdraw your money, bury it, and put proximity mines around the hole.
Originally Posted by eaglesfan581542

hhmmm im a minor as well and i dont need any permision or anything to withdralw who do you bank with
ditto. im a minor with a BOA acc since last year and when i signed up a parent/guardian never had to sign for anything. so its all mine
You can safely keep it protected by having good grades and or doing well in whatever capacity they choose.
Whats with all these morals everyone is passing on the kid? Did NTer's parents withdraw them from the PC and log into this thread?

He's a KID, let him live.

Anyways, it doesnt sound like u have a debit card, so, go to another bank that sells pre-paid credit cards, write a check thats gonna gunna dry your funds andhave that amount applied on the card. Max amount might be $500, so u may have to write a couple depending on the bank.

Ask your job if they do direct deposit, you can have your checks deposited on your pre-paid card for free..

And stop messin up in school......
Withdraw and stuff it in a dufflebag until you can do for yourself. Now go on little dufflebag boy and use this knowledge as you may.
Originally Posted by NYVictory45

Why don't u stop being a bad student or just withdraw your money, bury it, and put proximity mines around the hole.

Word to GoldenEye.
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