How bad is it not to pay an out of state speeding ticket?

Nov 10, 2007
I just remembered a little while ago that I have a speeding ticket from july that I haven't paid yet.I drove down to florida and on the way up I wasplanning on going nonstop, without stopping for sleep(I hadda pull over for 15 mins of sleep right over the mass border). I made it in about 24 hrs. Anywaysgoin thru georgia I got bagged for goin 92 in a 70. Basically what's gonna happen to me if I don't pay the ticket?
Depending on the state, they might send a letter threatening to suspend your license. My buddy got a ticket in VA and he lives in the Bronx so naturally he wasgoing to blow it off, but they sent him a letter threatening as much.
if you're past the due date, you have a warrant for your arrest.

now you have to pay the ticket fine, the court fines, and warrant fines.

what was probably around a $200 ticket, will now be around $500-700 if not more. you may end up having to spend the night in jail, too.
Got a speeding ticket in Alabama 2 years ago. Never payed. Never even heard from them. Even got pulled over a year after for running a stop sign in a diffstate and still nada.
Some states have reciprocal agreements where a license suspension in another state will be honored by your own . . .
Originally Posted by the PGA tour

Basically what's gonna happen to me if I don't pay the ticket?
Just pay it.

I know this old guy that didn't pay a few tickets in like 1978 when he visited his brother in North Carolina (He's from NY) and when he went back allthose years later to sell his brother's house (he died) he got really unlucky when they ran his license at a police checkpoint. He went to jail and sincethere was no one there to bail him his wife had to come down and do it. Turns out one of the tickets had something to do with prostitution. His wife found out.They were too old now to get divorced and stuff, but how embarrassing to have your wife find out something like that. Owned.

The amount he owed back then was something dumb like $60. God knows how much it accumulated to in 2005.

So again...

Just pay it off as soon as you can.

It's not worth it to go through all that crap in the future.
crazy story.
I dunno how bad it is, but if i were you i'd just pay and go on with your life, the consequences don't seem worth the risk.
yea. get stuff like this taken care of and move on because these things always come back at you with a multiplier effect. same with taxes and other junk.
i would pay it, if you do have a warrant they probably wont extridite over a speeding ticket depending on where you live

i live you georgia, and we stop alot of people who have warrants from who states refusing to come get unless its something big
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