House Burned Down, Restarting my Collection. updated 1/2/09

Dec 22, 2007
Aight guys. My house burned down back in February of 2008. I had a nice collection going but they went with the house
lol. So after getting some money fromthe insurance company, I have restarted my collection. The insurance company covers everything in the house, except they take out depreciation (even thoughalmost all of my shoes were VNDS) and they also wont pay anywhere near what my shoes are reselling for now days. But oh well. House is being rebuilt as wespeak and should be finished by May.

Why am i restarting my collection? Well because some people have their addictions. Money, cars, purses, drugs, whatever.. mine is SNEAKERS. I grew up around alot of drugs, and if all my extra money is going towards things like shoes, then that keeps me away from the drug habit. I guess you could say sneakers are myAnti-Drug? Theres nothin better then the smell of new shoes to me. So here you go guys with my collection. Sorry bout the crappy blackberry pics. I haventcopped a new camera yet lol

Oh yeah and if anyone wants to see pics of the house just lmk and i will post some on here as well.



funny thing about these 8s.. they survived the fire. I had worn them the day before so they was in their box beside the front door. When the firemen wereputting the fire out, they grab these and brought them out to me. The box was wet and destroyed, but the shoes were fine! They smelled like smoke but suedecleaner and them little dryer cloths took the smell away.






New Pickups 1/2/09
copped both DS for 185$ shipped.



Also pics of the house will be coming soon. It takes a lot longer to get those pics on here because I have to scan them, upload um and all that stuff, so theyshould be on here soon.
^^ thanks bro but its all good. Insurance pays for most everything, and nobody was hurt (most important thing)

so yes I did lose a lot of stuff, but I guess its cool because i get all new stuff and a new house lol
I feel for ya. Part of my house caught on fire back in late september. Went through such hell to get everything back to normal. Nice restart on the collectionbro
^^ sucks dont it? lol but thanks for the compliment man. and a steelers fan?
my chick is a steelers fan
GO COLTS lol hope Ben gets better because iwant to play yall at 100% in the playoffs.
sorry about the house bro! good luck gettin' it re-built!
great "re-start"! you've got some nice heat
sorry to hear about your house.
it must be tough to have lost so much.
your re-up looks like its going good so far.
Originally Posted by tylerhundley

^^ sucks dont it? lol but thanks for the compliment man. and a steelers fan?
my chick is a steelers fan
GO COLTS lol hope Ben gets better because i want to play yall at 100% in the playoffs.
Your chicks on the right path
Na man this postseason isgonna be fun to watch though
sorry to hear about the house bro. Best of Luck with everything!
great start.

loving the cdp's and CG's
Originally Posted by bence23

any pics of your pre fire collection?

nope sorry. I had some on the computer but that went up in flames with the fire. and to everyone thanks for the compliments and everything!
Damn bro thats just horrible. That thought crosses my mind at least once everyday when i leave my house, what if it burns or someone breaks in. But its a greatrestart to your collection. Good luck. peace
sorry about your house, good to see your still in the game lol. I hope you get back most of what you lost
Originally Posted by tylerhundley

Originally Posted by bence23

any pics of your pre fire collection?

nope sorry. I had some on the computer but that went up in flames with the fire. and to everyone thanks for the compliments and everything!

Photobucket?? lol jk.

sorry to hear that. good luck on the re-start.
Lets see, my collection wasnt anything AMAZING. But my favorites where my grapes, True Blue IIIs (im hopin they release this year with the rumors of all the 3scomin out), white cement IIIs, laser IVs, and my Flint XIIIs. I had no XIIs or XIs yet. (thank god) because those would have been my favorites and it wouldhave hurt to lose a nice pair of Space Jams or something lol
Originally Posted by gstbmn

Nice restart, sorry bout the house. Any idea what caused it?

they said an electrical back fire in the wall. and the house was so old, it just burned really quickly.
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