Hey, have you financed a luxury car while still living with your parents?


Nov 22, 2008
The #*$+ is wrong with you

I was within a group of people talking at a baby shower last night. It ended up being me with my homeboy this other dude with a s550 and three girls that wewere talking to. 3 hours and a bottle of grey goose later the party was winding down and I joked around that we should get a room. The girls who all cametogether laughed and said that would be cool. The dude goes, "lets go to my place and chill". I'm thinkin "gravy, this dude has his ownspot". We leave and as we're walkin I go "what are you pushin" this dude presses a button and I see this s550 with an AMG package light up.Sexy. Feeling somewhat upstaged I get into my Altima and follow. One of the chicks is with me and we chat it up for the 20 minutes it takes to get to hishouse. The place looked decent. I was a condo in Williamsburg Brooklyn.

We get in, I take my kicks of and the chick I was with plops herself in my lap. The dude goes to the bathroom with the chick that he pulled. Thirty secondslater, theres a lady in a robe with curlers in her hair going, "who the hell are you and why did you break into my house?!". The dude with the 550comes out and says "mom these are my friends, its ok". She leaves and he goes "you guys can't make too much noise, my mom has church in themorning"

the #%@+
he's 24...and before anyone says "zomg, she bought it for him"

she drives a geo prizm
My homeboy got an infiti g35 out living in his parents house. But hey its his money. Why should I care. I let everyone do them. **@* I know there is a lot ofthings I do people would be like that aint cool. So why criticize?
Originally Posted by agold1002

was it a s550 with an amg sticker thing or a s65...if its the first option no suprise
Probably a 550
Even then 63's are WAY more commonthan 65s. 65s are insane. 63s go for "only" 140k

But yeah OP, I know people pushing brand new m6s and 650s that still live with mommy and daddy. But its different since mommy and daddy bought the cars forthem
living with rent's to save up for "crib of your own" = WIN

" " " " " " for "whip" = FAIL.

"yo i met this bad girl last night.. we drove around in my 08 M3 then I took her back to my moms place, i told her she had to keep it quite"

Originally Posted by IloveShoes

Originally Posted by spsfinest212

Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

The hell is a 24 year old dude doing at a baby shower?

I don't see what you did there?
Me either. Baby showers are like parties now, both men and women are invited. When we had the baby shower for my daughter, it was a family affair,close and extended. Wish it was nice enough for a cookout baby shower tho, Walmart chicken sucked

But dude 24, live w/ his moms and drive a decent will is a loser in the making. How u gon let ur moms drive a Geo, regardless of model, it's a friggin Geo
Originally Posted by agold1002

was it a s550 with an amg sticker thing or a s65...if its the first option no suprise
the dealer sold it to him claiming it had an amg "kit"...he had amg wheels, front, rear bumper, and sideskirts
Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

The hell is a 24 year old dude doing at a baby shower?

there's usually some single females attending them and the male-female ratio= teh win
Originally Posted by Lrrr

Originally Posted by agold1002

was it a s550 with an amg sticker thing or a s65...if its the first option no suprise
the dealer sold it to him claiming it had an amg "kit"...he had amg wheels, front, rear bumper, and sideskirts

okay...that makes sense
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