Her (starring Joaquin Phoenix, Rooney Mara, Amy Adams, Scarlett Johansson).

roc boy jada

Dec 16, 2007

Was Olivia Wilde even in the trailer?

Either way, big fan of Spike Jonze and the rest of the cast.
I didn't see much to interest me but I've loved every one of his movies so I'm gonna definitley watch
Apparently Arcade Fire is doing the score for this movie? That's pretty cool. Will catch this for Rooney Mara :wow:
Reaction from someone who saw a few scenes. Spoilers if you want to go in blank. But nuthing important.


wait until you see how handsome and well dressed Joaquin Phoenix is in Spike Jonze's HER.

I’m going to describe each scene in detail and even include some quotes. So if you’d like to remain unspoiled, you should probably stop reading. But know Jonze himself was fine with people seeing these scenes.

The first scene is Theodore installing OS1 into his computer. It’s a big, white, widescreen monitor with a red screen and a symbol that looks like two figure eights on top of each other. Theodore is wearing a red shirt, visually linking him with the computer from early on.

In a male voice, OS1 explains it would like to ask him a few questions. “Are you social or anti-social?” “Would you like a male or female voice?” “How would you describe your relationship with your mother?” “How are you hoping an OS can make your life easier?” To each question, Theodore answers with an almost puzzled, hesitant tone, confused why the computer is asking these personal questions. At one point it even responds “In your voice I sense hesitance. Would you agree with that?” Later, it simply starts cutting his rambling off, seemingly getting more information from his cadence than content. Finally, it says it’s ready and the system restarts.

“Hello, I’m here,” says the voice of Scarlett Johansson. Happy, bright, very much the opposite of Theodore’s. They engage in small talk (“Hi, how are you?” “Pretty good actually, it’s nice to meet you.”) until Theodore asks the OS if it has a name. “Yes. Samantha,” she replies. “Where you get that name from?” he asks. “I gave it to myself, actually.” “When did you give it to yourself?” “Right when you asked me if I had a name I thought, ‘Yeah that’s right I do need a name, but I want to pick a good one.’ So I read a book called ‘How To Name Your Baby’ and out of 180,000 names that’s the one I liked the best.” “Wait, you read a whole book in the second I asked you what your name ones?” “In two one-hundredths of a second, actually.”

From there, she explains how she works and that she’s constantly evolving through experience and input. “Is that weird? Do you think I’m weird?” she asks. They go on to do some sorting of his emails and you get a real sense of personality and passion from the Samantha character, even in this early scene. She’s irresistible, attentive, smart, even funny. There’s just the small issue that she’s inside a computer…and doesn’t exist.

The main feeling Jonze conveys here is discovery. Both characters are at the beginning of a journey, have no idea about each other and it shows. There’s also a ton of humor, both in the dialogue and editing of the piece.

The second scene is tonally very different, but equally delightful. It starts on a beach and we see Theodore looking at something with a few lens flares. He’s smiling. We realize this is Samantha’s point of view as he’s brought her, in a small portable almost iPod form (see Phoenix’s pocket in the photo above), to the beach. A light piano motif is playing and Theodore asks what it is. “I’m trying to write a piece of music about what it feels like to be on the beach with you right now,” she whispers. “I think you captured it,” he responds.

Next they’re travelling. Theodore has an ear-piece in, so he can carry on a conversation. “So what was it like being married?” Samantha asks. Theodore’s thoughtful response is intercut with a montage of he and a character played by Rooney Mara. We’re unsure what happened at this point, just that they are no longer together. Samantha asks how it’s possible to share your life with somebody. More simple piano music sets a somber, romantic tone as Theodore reminisces on what was right and how it went wrong. He talks about how he and his ex influenced each other, inspired each other, grew together and eventually grew apart.

Finally, Samantha tells Theodore her feelings were hurt last week when he said she didn’t know what it felt like to lose something. He apologizes, she says it’s okay, and then says “I caught myself thinking about it over and over. And then I realized I was simply remembering it as something that was wrong with me. That it was a story I was telling myself. That I was somehow inferior. Isn’t that interesting? The past is just a story we tell ourselves.”

Okay I'm interested now.
Apparently Arcade Fire is doing the score for this movie? That's pretty cool. Will catch this for Rooney Mara :wow:

I was hoping for it to be Karen O/Yeah Yeah Yeahs

Carey Mulligan was originally casted for the role Rooney is playing
Will watch for Rooney, eventho she's not rocking a Mohawk or goth clothes. Damn she's sexy in Dragon Tattoo . . . I need help.
I must have watched this trailer like over 10 times now. Can't wait for this to come out.

Joaquin is definitely one of the most interesting talents in film right now. I've always been a fan of him from stuff like Gladiator and Walk the Line but he's really stepped up his game ever since his little stunt with movies like this and The Master (he has another movie with PTA coming out next year). Every work by him now is pretty much a must watch for me.
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Saw this yesterday, excellent film.

Soundtrack was incredible, really loved the contemporary portrayal of the characters/environment and also the outfits and coloring were dope.

Olivia Wilde was :pimp:

Great story, great acting and it played out very well. 9/10 for me.
It was pretty cool. The music in the movie was very dope. Anyone think they can date an OS? :lol:
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