
Aug 7, 2012
Man NT, how does it feel to have a clear face? I'm overly depressed everyday because of my hideous skin. I have scars, like indented areas on my face from previous acne. At 20 yrs old i thought it would be over but man this sucks!!! I'm never doing anything exciting because of this nasty stuff! How do you guys have such nice skin? Man i used to pull 8s,9s, and 10's. . . but been dry for 2 years, this is serious!

I mean i want to have kids, but i feel like I'll never have a wife. Plus i don't want my kids to endure this agony, most people wont understand unless they're in my shoes. How would you feel waking up everyday feeling ugly, feeling worthless, not having the confidence to go to class.
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i had acne scars too but then i got chemical peel sessions done and now im the most handsome guy in this thread
Start experimenting with your diet.

From experience I can recommend going dairy free for a month and

see what happens. May work may not everyone is different but I found Milk made

me break out now i don't know my name no more they calling me handsome.
Cut out greasy foods, sodas and stop popping them when they appear. Wash your face thoroughly with face wash, not body wash. Your young and worst case go and see a dermatologist.
I had light acne scars once I was done with the whole acne phase right after High School. I'm 31 now and they pretty much have disappeared over time. I only have very light spots where I once had the scars which you can only tell up close. It sounds like you got it pretty bad. Have you ever seeked the advice of a dermatologist?
i had acne scars too but then i got chemical peel sessions done and now im the most handsome guy in this thread

Coming from club I take it them chemical peels work, gotta look into it

OP I honestly think you gotta give it time + care
Some of my scars which were pretty bad have pretty much gone away but I still have some :\ Gonna most deff look into the peels/dermabrasion

Sub'd this guy cuz his damn skin is near perfect :lol: look at his other vids he drops knowledge

Keep your head up op, those scars symbolize strength only some can understand. :smokin
Just realize no matter how big of a deal it is to you many other people have problems x100, ill take a scar on my face over missing limbs any day... Thats what helped me my man

-One Love
Wash your face with cold water only, only touch your face when you're washing it, cut out all greasy foods, sleep with a towel on your pillow which you should replace every 3 days, try and find some creams if necessary and above all else don't pop them. Seems to do more harm than good for most.
go see a dermatologist...i was on some pills called Bactrim a while back and they worked like a charm...wish i still had insurance so i could get back on...
Do y'all use like a moisturizer for your face? I'm Black and Japanese, so my skin is like weird.

Been using Palmers Coconut Butter Skin Therapy oil for a minute and found it works pretty well, and it doesn't clog your pores for being an oil
Supposed to minimize scars/blemishes and can say it did a pretty good job for me

Gotta find something with sunblock tho
Ive heard of some stuff that , I think , is fda approved. It's called accutane, stuff is to give you a brand new face!
Skin is a reflection of what's going on inside. You gotta get it shored up.

Address the gut. Take a good probiotic.

Drink water til your urine is clear. Make sure your urine stays clear at all times.

Supplement with zinc (50mg), silica, omega-3 fatty acids. Eat plenty of fruits and leafy greens. Eat at least 60% alkaline foods (look up the alkaline food chart, it's pretty much anything plant based though).

Cut out gluten. This can aggravate your gut health and cause malabsorption of other nutrients.

Exercise. Go running, it will clear your mind and make you relax more.

Just stop dwelling on it. So what if your face is unsightly. People are fat, people are dumb, people got bills they can't pay. You can fix your face easier than you think. You just have to believe there will be happy days ahead. Repeat it til you convince yourself.

As for regimen: I would use apple cider vinegar as a toner/astringent. You dilute it 50/50 with water and put in a spray bottle. You can spray your face liberally throughout the day. It is good at killing bacteria on your skin. Cleanser: Use something with tea tree oil in it. Moisturizer: Personally I don't use one, you moisturize from the inside out so if you eat enough healthy fats your skin will reflect those luscious oils. Maybe in the winter I have a few dry spots and for that I use either coconut oil or jojoba oil. You will have to see how your skin responds to this entire regimen.
Consider accutane. Clears up your skin and helps heal acne scars. Bad side effects though, and very expensive. I had bad Acne in undergrad and it cleared everything up for me. Been there fam, there is light at the end of the tunnel
dude calm down. There are people around the world who don't even know where their next meal is coming from. Stop being depressed about some scars. See a doctor, change how you eat, excersise, relax and don't be stressed over something minor.
I found that applying zinc oxide cream to a pimple after the inflammation has gone down speeds up the healing time pretty drastically. Might be worth looking into.

Use this, OP. Twice a day, no skipping. I had consistent acne for the longest time before I used this, and now my skin is blemish free. After two weeks I saw serious results and my acne eventually disappeared completely. I even still use it now, just to keep my face clear. Do this, and like others have said, drink water/exercise/stop touching your face/cut out dairy and greasy foods. You'll feel tons better after doing all that.

And like Club said, if you've got acne scars consider chemical peeling.

Oh, and wear sunblock ALL THE TIME. It will lessen the redness the pimples create.
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i had acne scars too but then i got chemical peel sessions done and now im the most handsome guy in this thread

its true

Experiences with accutane? I have body acne and these pills the dermatologist gave me arent doing anything. Read the side effects of accutane and i'm not really down with all that :\
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