Hello, I'm No On Prop 8

Nov 5, 2007
I thought it was
but if you're pro-prop 8 I'm sure youwon't

no on prop 8.

i just found out 90% of my parents and freinds parents are all voting yes on it.

im almost positive it will pass..
Originally Posted by javier5857


no on prop 8.

i just found out 90% of my parents and freinds parents are all voting yes on it.

im almost positive it will pass..
Me too

Last month i saw every house with a McCain/Palin Post have a yes on 8, now every Obama/Biden yard has yes on 8 too. You can't win with these people
Sucks if it does..... let them suffer like regular couples.

Less STD contractions......... No more crazy orgies cause they would be tied to one partner FOREVER *lol
Originally Posted by javier5857


no on prop 8.

i just found out 90% of my parents and freinds parents are all voting yes on it.

im almost positive it will pass..
no on 8. i dont understand people voting yes
protect thefamily? get that BS out of here
It won't pass. They've had similar props on repealing gay marriage and they all failed.

No on Prop 8.
Pro prop 8 ads keep talking about how if it doesn't pass, the schools are going to teach our kids about gay marriage... like its a bad thing..eventhough
its not necessarily true.

Equality for all.
i don't support it, but at the same time i know it'd be too selfish for me to vote yes, so i'm not voting on prop 8.
i just dont see why anyone cares that much about who marries who. its not effecting you so what do you care? i think yes on 8 is a bunch of bs. honestly. ihavent heard anyone make a legitament point as why it should be banned...
Originally Posted by theyhatinonme

Yes on Obama! and yes on prop 8!
I still haven't come across a valid argument for voting yes on prop 8... (the scare tactic, teaching our kids in school BS does not count) Whyshould you dictate the lives of others? Why do you feel that they should not have that right; your personal religiousbeliefs?
Originally Posted by theyhatinonme

I'm just against gays on any level. I'm too lazy to articulate a good reason right now.


Prop 8 is ridiculous.
Another example of religion and government.
Where's the rights for everyone?

If this passes
NO on prop8

The whole shpeel about "protecting the sanctity of marriage" is a !+$$ load of BS. When you see people getting married in VEGAS, divorced in a fewmonths only to do it again later, yeah, really traditional right? F that, let EVERYONE in on it, even the bad stuff.
It is ridiculous. I'm no on prop 8. Everyone in my building is too.
This morning I saw a little flyer that said 'YES on PROP 8, protect normal marriage' or something. I thought that was just messed up, and dood made aneffort to stick it all the way in the middle of the glass encasing.
Prop 8 is beyond stupid I dont get why anybody thinks they have the right to decide how other people live their lives.
Some people are so stupid, here's the deal : No one chooses to be gay, ever, in fact the majority of those who are gay were abused in some way growing up.Being against homosexuals is just as bad as being against black people. Why? Because neither group chose to be who they are.

Dr. Drew Pinsky > the ****** known as theyhatinonme
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