Healing/Recovering from Anxiety and Panic Attacks - by Allowing the Feelings and Thoughts to Happen

Jun 22, 2005
Disclaimer: I was thinking this post could be helpful for those who may want to consider this method along with some supportive tips/resources. I'm also sharing resources primarily from what I've found. As usual, please be sure to consult your doctor/therapist for this type of stuff. Like the rest of the forum, I want to emphasize this: please keep this thread friendly in the event there are any disagreements or skepticism over this approach.


I posted about this in the I never knew that... thread about healing/recovering from anxiety (generally speaking: high anxiety, panic attacks, panic disorder, etc.) via the acceptance method with a brief story of what I went through that triggered anxiety. Even though it was for a few weeks, it was still really tough and scary to deal with, because I was freaking out about things I never worry about (social events, going to work, anxiety itself [this is the worst one], etc.) and dealing with some of the physical symptoms. If I hadn't found this method, I feel like my situation would be way worse at the time I'm posting about this. Yes, it's very paradoxical, it can feel scary (just the thought of letting anxiety "hang out") and it's WAY easier said than done, but it can be done. This method isn't also new, but it's interesting that it's not often mentioned as the top method. I feel like there are some things to understand about anxiety and why these points can allow one to go through this:
  • Anxiety is the body's alarm system saying that there is a threat. Usually with high anxiety, there's typically no threat.
  • Anxiety is an emotion, so responding to it by fighting the unpleasant emotion adds more fuel, which causes anxiety to worsen. The reason our body naturally fights anxiety is because we force ourselves to reinsert ourselves back to a specific state of mind and feeling. More on this from the Anxious Truth podcast video resource below.
  • Anxiety doesn't define who you are. You may feel a certain way and/or think certain thoughts, but they are just thoughts/feelings.
All of this was discovered by Dr. Claire Weekes, a doctor who went through panic attacks herself and fully healed from it by discovering that letting the anxiety symptoms occur without fighting it. There is so much more I can dive into, but I feel like these resources can help as they helped me out tremendously. There are also lots of success stories around Reddit, Google, and even Amazon reviews from those suffering from general anxiety disorder, panic/anxiety disorder, agoraphobia, etc for months or even years. Keep in mind that everyone is different and that for some people, it takes more than the acceptance method, but it can make a huge impact if you're willing to try.
  • Hope and Help for your Nerves by Dr. Claire Weekes

  • Dare: The New Way to End Anxiety and Stop Panic Attacks Fast by Barry McDonagh
    • https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01ETUC7JS/
    • There is also an app for additional motivation and support.
    • This book was so clutch, because it teaches how to navigate through the acceptance method in many scenarios and help you understand the symptoms, thoughts, and how they're ONLY that and nothing more. The author went through this himself. Same as Dr. Weekes' book, his book has helped people as well.

  • Therapy in a Nutshell YouTube Channel (specifically this video, but the channel is great)
    • This helped me understand what anxiety is, and what it isn't, and how the paradox helps with recovery. She has a lot of other great videos as well.

  • The Anxious Truth YouTube Channel/Podcast
    • This video/podcast episode REALLY breaks down my point earlier about fighting the anxiety emotion because of us attempting to reinsert ourselves to a standard feeling, and how letting go stops the anxiety from fueling until you anticipate it in a welcoming manner than a fearing manner. I feel like this was the lightbulb moment on how to let anxiety be.

  • Shaan Kassam YouTube Channel
    • Shaan explains how to practice the acceptance method, and uses an analogy of a coaster being in the video that also helps put the presence of anxiety into perspective.

Something to mention is that Acceptance and Commitment Therapy is the type of therapy that is close to this stuff along with Exposure Therapy, so there are people out there who can help with this.

I will add more resources that I can find and revise this post accordingly moving forward, but I at least wanted to jump-start this thread for those who can find this stuff extremely useful. Hope this can help anyone out there who is dealing with this!
In a way this sounds quite similar to exposure therapy for OCD
I don't have anxiety or OCD but I've seen how amazing it worked for some of my friends who have professionally diagnosed OCD/anxiety
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