Having A Job Appreciation Post

the come up

Jan 17, 2008
Considering the current condition of the economy, the job market is disgusting. If you have a job right now, you should thank God for being one of thefortunate people that have a steady income to look forward to. All across the country, companies are being shut down & employers are choppin' off headslike crazy. You have grown men with familes to support with no job right now & you wouldn't even want to imagine the type of stress that they have inthier life at this moment. So even if you hate your job, seriously be thankful. Now that the summer is approaching, aint nothin' worse then being brokewhile all your friends are out enjoyin' themselves & you at home rubbin' two nickels together tryin' to make a quarter. Even with gas pricesbeing as crazy as they are, be thankful that you have a car to put gas in & a job to drive to everyday. This is just real talk ya'll, count yourblessings. I thank God for my job. I been unemployed for 4 months in the past & that was some tough business right there. It feels good to look at my bankaccount online & see my paycheck directly deposited in there at 12AM. I'm just sayin', be thankful....
Used to be something that I took for granted, but with each passing day, having a job and job security is definitely appreciated.

For all of those out there without a job, who have been laid off, fired or been unsuccessful in your job hunt, keep your head up and keep plugging away.
I havent had a job in like 6 weeks. Its really hard getting a job now much less being a felon..
For all of those out there without a job, who have been laid off, fired or been unsuccessful in your job hunt, keep your head up and keep plugging away
True indeed man, that's exactly what those people need. They need encouragement. I'm tellin' you, that's a stress that no manshould have pressin' on thier conscience. Like when you young & you not workin', it aint that much of a deal. You just cant buy sneakers & goto the movies as often as you like. However when you start to acquire monthly expenses in your life & you risk losing them, that's when you be up lateat night stressin' like "What the hell am I supposed to do?" That's why I try to encourage people that's stuck in a rut right now becauseI been there & I know how difficult it is when you are anxious to get out & work & nobody's callin'. The only calls you get are from billcollectors & friends that wanna tell you about things they doin' wit' their money like trips & partying. That's why I felt impressed tomake this post because each morning when I wake up & the sun is out & I can go to work & put in a honest 8 hours & make money so that I canplan to take trips wit' my peoples & put money into my househould, it makes me lose perspective of all the other "material" &"insignificant" things in life....
If you have a job consider yourself blessed.
I dont care if you make minimum wage or you make 80k.
having a job where i can post on NT
I miss this lol even if I wasnt suppose to do it.

Working a solid 40hrs

Working up to 53 hrs this week..
Dude---I will be so thankful wen Pappadeux's stops bulljiving and just calls me in for orientation. I want a job so bad it's not funny, I hate lyingaround being idle.
yea i got no job at all. just got fired....taking jobs for granted is something i will no longer do. since my 13 jobs since august 2006

i just had an interview at Best Buy yesterday hope i get this job. I been not working since middle of april and i been doing other things

to make money and what not. well just keep yalls heads up and dont give up ( even being a felon)
Hours got cut at my job of 3.5 years. Along with the price of gas, this has finally prompted me to go out and get some apps. Hopefully be working at a hotelwithin the next 2 weeks. The area is still under heavy construction so NOBODY goes there. I'll just be sitting there doing nothing. Hopefully get theGraveyard Shift so I can have the house to myself in the morning.
there was a period where i use to beast on nt in february & march, because i quit my job as a broker. I thought it was going to be smooth to get a new onein the accounting/finance field, but boy was i wrong. I was depressed in that period also, now life is good. Making 50k+ and cant complain at all
realfortunate and thank God for whats going on right now. Plus I get to browse the web whenever i dont have a project.
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