Have you ever scrapped with your brother? Vol. Family love

Aug 29, 2012
It's been happening since the dawn of time. Brothers have been going at it for centuries, what stories you got?
Fought his punk *** every week of every year I lived with him :stoneface: :smh:
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I don't have a bro but me and my sister used to throw them hands :lol: it was all fun and games but when I made her cry she would call my pops at work. Now we real close
Never spent enough time with mine to get into fights 

Plus he's soft and I hate fighting so it wouldn't happen anyways.
Did so a few weeks ago smh.

I got into a drunken rage in the gaslamp in San Diego a few weeks back, got us kicked out of a few spots, blamed him for it and one thing led to another and I put hands on him.

I felt terrible about it afterwards because I was totally in the wrong.

Then we proceeded to go to the jets chargers game the next day and watch geno smith be a bum :lol:
Way too damn much. Fought with both my brothers like everyday.

We fought so much growing up we don't even **** with each other anymore. Grown *** men now and we don't even speak. **** crazy bruh :smh:
I have four older brothers, wish they would.
Me and my older brother got into a handful of fights and a **** load of arguments. Never fought dirty nor hit each other on the head either. Brother always had a temper but, always countered that with my patience or gave him his space.
My little brother got like 4 inches and 50+ lbs on me Ill still fade his *** [emoji]128548[/emoji][emoji]128548[/emoji][emoji]128548[/emoji][emoji]128548[/emoji][emoji]128548[/emoji]

One time we got into to it because he eat the last pack of Chicken flavoured noodles. I had to eat them nasty *** beef ones [emoji]128553[/emoji][emoji]128553[/emoji][emoji]128553[/emoji][emoji]128553[/emoji][emoji]128553[/emoji]

We havent been fighting recently though. Usually its just pushing/name calling. We havent got into an actual fist fight in months.

He can definitely throw/choke my *** though. Onr time he had me in a headlock for a good 30 seconds until I umphed him in the stomach [emoji]128548[/emoji][emoji]128548[/emoji][emoji]128548[/emoji][emoji]128548[/emoji][emoji]128548[/emoji]
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He caught me fapping on his bed once. Got into it then too. Of course he had the upper hand I was all lubed up with no clothes on and ****. I popped him a few good times though [emoji]128548[/emoji][emoji]128548[/emoji][emoji]128548[/emoji][emoji]128548[/emoji][emoji]128548[/emoji]
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Man, since day 1 :lol:. We're a year and a half apart so it was bound to happen. Back when we were real young, my dad made the mistake of buckling us into our carseats then running back to get something in the house real quick. When he came back my brother was bleeding at the cheek (I rung his bell with my baby bottle :smh: and gave him a 5-stitch scar. But he got me back some years later with a Harry potter scar on my forehead from when he gave me a two piece combo with a damn Rock in his hand.

Now though, we've both settled down, but I can say he's no doubt one of the only people I'd take a bullet for no question. I love that dude.
Not real blows or anything, but once I gave him a bloody nose on accident when messing around, so he swiftly gave me a powerbomb that knocked the wind out of me :lol:
I hate fighting my brother though. It just doesnt fell right putting my hands on him in a harmful way. I be feeling guilty as hell. I still see him as a baby.... I guess I know how our mama sees us.....
Absolutely from day one till our late teens.

Full on fist fights.

We couldn't be closer now.
have a brother 2 years younger...we;d get in to shouting matches but I'd never lay a hand on him... ever.. 
My younger brother would usually run off and lock his door so there were very few fist fights. We'd get a punch or kick in every once in a while, but things would end real quick since he would start yelling for our parents or run off. 

We always argued though, but don't very much anymore. The bad blood would never last more than like three days tops which was cool.
I and my brother used to put paws on each other from the day I was born till I was about 14 or 15 and he was 16 or 17. He wanted our parents to leave me at the hospital when I was born, but we are real cool now.
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