Hate waking up early Vol I want to quit

Nov 21, 2006
I dont even mind my job, I just hate being up so early and alot of my friends are hanging out late night and I always want to chill but I cant I need at least5 hours of sleep to function. So is it just me that looks for ways to quit or get fired to get unemployment till I find a 2nd shift job? I mean I wont quit myjob just because I have to have a source of income and i'd feel to childish to quit and not to mention the economy and how I should be greatful I have ajob but DAMN I HATE MORNINGS
getting up everyday at 6:30 sucks, i hate it too

but if u have a job now u better keep it

could be worse
My first job = getting up at 5am to be at Just For Feet at 6am (former shoe store) to restock the value fixture...ughhhh
oh yeah, all the while being either half drunk, or high...
...but i did it.
how old are you and what do you do?

you sound like a 20 something acting like a 13 yr old
Originally Posted by SUSHI AND GRITS

11-7, Sun-Thurs FTW
1-10 thurs-mon sometimes FTW but foreals OP keep your job. Its not worth it to try and find a new job right now. We got stock brokers workin atfast food restaurants.
Originally Posted by northparkblind

I wake up at 6:00 AM for school
I've been doing this all my life since I was in elementary school.

I only got three hours of sleep last night im buggin
20 something ya acting like a child? maybe.. but still why be unhappy I only have one life to live why not make it as good as I can and waking up early todrive a hi lo and do inventory on a whole factory isnt doing it. I really want to go to college to make myself better... working in a factory is taking me nowhere bro
it's tough, i've actully lost a job because i wasn't able to get to certain locations at 5:30 am. But that's how it is. You can't alwayskick it with the gang, you've GOT to get your rest, period.
only reason i want to quit my job...i get to listen to my ipod and i dont deal with a single person outside of the building...if i was full time i would get agun...only problem is i have to be there at 8 am and its so hard to get out of the bed when its cold outside...only reason i haven't quit is cuz idon't think i could get the same pay closer to home part time
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