GOP YOUTUBE debate tonight RIGHT NOW - CNN.

Oct 9, 2005
This should be rich. Out of over 3,000 submissions 40 questions were selected to be played before the GOP candidates tonight including issues such as gaymarriage, abortion, global warming, reducing the federal defeceit and a slew of other pressing topics the GOP avoids like the plague.

You can view this at or by tuning into CNN on your television.
Let's get ready to rumble!

The Democratic Party debates have been much more exciting up until now. Let's how the Republicans can make their debates interesting too.
I wanna see how the republicans handle these "real" questions and the curveballs that are thrown at them.
Originally Posted by KingLouisXIV

This should be rich. Out of over 3,000 submissions 40 questions were selected to be played before the GOP candidates tonight including issues such as gay marriage, abortion, global warming, reducing the federal defeceit and a slew of other pressing topics the GOP avoids like the plague.


Like the Dems are SOOOOOOO much better, right? Hillary will agree to anything to get her elected. Obama?

The only competent one out of any of them is Biden, too bad he wont raise enough money to compete though.

Face it, Dems are done for '08. You guys have the house AND senate and have done what? Nothing. Your girl Pelosi has a terrible approval rating. Now thatBush is a lame duck, they have little material to talk about.

All I heard from Dems is how much money theyre going to spend on government funded programs = higher taxes.
I wanna see how the republicans handle these "real" questions and the curveballs that are thrown at them.
Exactly. I hate the normal "safe" questions that are presented to the candidates (in either debate). Let's cut the BS and getstraight to the point... and throw some curveballs and see how they deal with them. I've been looking forward to this particular debate for quite sometime... it should be good.
Both parties are full of s. I don't believe in voting. You are just going to support a different set of special interest groups either way. The only personI would vote for is Barack Obama but we all know that Hillarry will get the ticket and I refuse to vote for her. And anybody who really wants to continue thisstupid war by voting for a GOP candidate gets a
from me.
All I heard from Dems is how much money theyre going to spend on government funded programs = higher taxes.

OMG!!! Dems raise taxes!!!! OMG!!!

it's always tough having to be the adults in the room, takingresponsibility for the actions of your relatives..
Originally Posted by Fede DPT

. Your girl Pelosi has a terrible approval rating. Now that Bush is a lame duck, they have little material to talk about.

Congress always has a terrible approval rating
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

All I heard from Dems is how much money theyre going to spend on government funded programs = higher taxes.

OMG!!! Dems raise taxes!!!! OMG!!!

it's always tough having to be the adults in the room, taking responsibility for the actions of your relatives..

Taxes are innevidible, I understand that. But why should I pay higher taxes for irresponsible people? Why should I pay for ILLEGAL immigrants who gethurt here? I'm not upset about taxes, just where is my money going? I wany my money to protect our country, I want my money to pay for soldiers in Iraq.Why should people pay higher taxes because they make more money? This is a privatized country, not MLB where there is shared revenue. Taking responsibility,would be going out making you own money instead of waiting for a handout.
And anybody who really wants to continue this stupid war by voting for a GOP candidate gets a
from me.

And anybody who really wants to continue this stupid war by voting for a GOP candidate gets a
from me.

And anybody who really wants to continue this stupid war by voting for a GOP candidate gets a
from me.
And anybody who really wants to continue this stupid war by voting for a GOP candidate gets a
from me.
I'm no fan of the Democratic party, either. They're all a bunch of bungling fools. Our only hope is to elect the least bungling fool.
Originally Posted by ****oo2323

they are all pathetic.

Nice. Are you watching the same debate I am? CNN, right? Some of these dudes are solid choices.

Tancredo and Hunter are my favs but they have little chance.
LMAO did you see the audience reation after Ron Paul answered on a "North American Union"? gtfooh
It's so annoying howpeople eat this *#%$ up. McCain with the comparison to Hitler was especially pathetic, but the idiots eat that crap up.
I still cannot comprehend why questions about the bible are asked at a government debate. It just rips the separation of church and state to pieces every timeone is asked.

This one wasn't too bad, but I'll never forget the "What is your favorite Bible verse?"

You know what.. Rudy isn't sounding that awful.
Seems like everyone is interested in immigration laws now, even McCain who voted for amnesty last the Senate talked about it.
What a waste of the last question. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

If there's a hell (which I personally do not believe in) Huckabee would be sent there. As governor he's sent men to their death all the while claimingto be a "Christian leader." Good thing he's got a snowball's chance in hell. Speaking of...

Every time Ron Paul spoke it was electric. He's really bringing spark and enthusiam to these debates. He's rapidly gaining support ... but then againhe's got hiiiiiigh hopes, he's got hiiiiigh hopes, he's got high apple pie in the sky hopes ...

Thompson as always appears the manifestation of Foghorn Leghorn. He's half asleep, but when he speaks in that slow twang it's well-rehearsed rhetoricperpetuating ideas about an assualt on western civilization painting Islam as the enemy.

JOHN MCCAIN SPOKE THE TRUTH! Even though the man is far from presidential material he's got experience in the military and has experienced torture firsthand. He's a true American and spoke words of truth that shamed the other candidates. Although I don't support the guy it's positive he raised thisdialogue among presidential candidates.

They're all trying to appeal to the early states like Florida and Iowa so it's all slated towards the audience. The lack of candid speach on certainissues such as torture, gay rights, racial equality, the Iraq war indicate no progressive ideas being introduced by any of the so-called 'front-runner'candidates.

That said I'll waste my vote on Ron Paul.
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