Good evening, NT. I just got back from Jennifer's Body- my thoughts

Oct 31, 2004
It's a lot of fun.

If you enjoyed the dialogue in Juno then you'll go for Diablo Cody's screenplay for Jennifer's Body. The witty, sarcastic,say-what-you're-thinking pop culture savvy dialogue is back.

Some notes:

-despite all the press Megan Fox is getting this is very much Amanda Seyfried's movie (told from her POV) and she gives the best performance.
-J.K. Simmons is hilarious as a half-wit, out of the loop teacher.
-Megan Fox is good (and sexy) and quite scary at times (Some of you may think of this before going the amusement park route with her pictures). Although Iwouldn't consider her performance great by any means. She gives a Marilyn Monroe like performance here. When she delivers Diablo Cody's dialogueit's almost if she's pleasantly surprised she got it right.
-Ample cleavage and yes there is a lesbian kiss for those wondering.
-Plenty of snappy one liners.
-There's gore but it's balanced with some shots that'll leave the violence to one's imagination.

All in all a fun time at the movies. It's not Citizen Kane but it's plenty of fun and laughs.

Verdict: *** (out of 4)
Originally Posted by SenatorJeffSmith

It's a lot of fun.

If you enjoyed the dialogue in Juno then you'll go for Diablo Cody's screenplay for Jennifer's Body. The witty, sarcastic, say-what-you're-thinking pop culture savvy dialogue is back.

Some notes:

-despite all the press Megan Fox is getting this is very much Amanda Seyfried's movie (told from her POV) and she gives the best performance.
-J.K. Simmons is hilarious as a half-wit, out of the loop teacher.
-Megan Fox is good (and sexy) and quite scary at times (Some of you may think of this before going the amusement park route with her pictures). Although I wouldn't consider her performance great by any means. She gives a Marilyn Monroe like performance here. When she delivers Diablo Cody's dialogue it's almost if she's pleasantly surprised she got it right.

-Ample cleavage and yes there is a lesbian kiss for those wondering.
-Plenty of one snappy liners.
-There's gore but it's balanced with some shots that'll leave the violence to one's imagination.

All in all a fun time at the movies. It's not Citizen Kane but it's plenty of fun and laughs.

Verdict: *** (out of 4)
You spent your money on that garbage?

Let me guess it was full of pimpled faced teenagers and 30+ year old sweaty
obese men.
Man how you not like anything over 2 frames per second and not in black and white then be back here liking this movie?
Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

Man how you not like anything over 2 frames per second and not in black and white then be back here liking this movie?
I forgot to wear my beret and superfluous square black-rimmed glasses to the show.
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