Getting Older: You like it or no?

Apr 21, 2005
I'm only 21 so I can't say I'm old at all but in the last 2 years it feels like I've matured 100%. It just seems like every year that passes Iknow a little more about life, about people and girls, about responsibility. Maybe when I turn 40 I might want to slow down, but growing up is definitelyappreciated right now. How do you guys feel in general about aging and maturing?
I like it. With maturity comes new responsibility but you also start to appreciate the things that come with that as well as getting into new hobbies andmeeting new people. I cant really explain it but its different from when you're say..14-18. I just like it.
im 20 years old...

and even though im really young.

I feel too old to do certain things..

Being 20 years old at a high school party FTL
The fact I'm graduating from college and have to actually pay rent, bills, etc. now is proving me to all the times for the games I used to play are comingto an end.

At that same time, only being in my early 20's (22) means I'm able to still enjoy my youth....
i love it. My life felt a lot more complicated then it should have been growing up. My life has gotten easier as I've gotten older. I can't wait tograduate from college and start working and feel like I'm contributing to something.
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

I like it. With maturity comes new responsibility but you also start to appreciate the things that come with that
26 years old and maturing.

Ever since I turned 21 my life has went on a rollercoaster...never been so stressed.
I wish I was 22 again. You dudes don't know how well you have it right now. I never believed that when I was told all that, but it's very true.
Originally Posted by anabolic dunk

After 21, its all pretty much downhill.. Wat else is there to look forward to after?

being a mom and having a familyn

not immediately but i'm enjoying it...cant wait till after graduation so i can get started on my much i wanna do and school is holding me back...
hell no i wish i could be 18 again and relive my senior year

being out of highschool makes it tougher to smash hs and ms broads
i mean i still do it but its hard to keep their parents from pressing charges
i wish i was 18 forever
I'm turning 30 next year. I can not wait. The 20s were good, but awkward. Sure you're young, living it up, single. But you're still in school,finding your place in the world, figuring out jobs and your career, permanent residence, girlfriends/wives, everything's in flux. The 30s, everything'spretty much stabilized, you know who your friends are, what you want to do with your life, where you live and most importantly, you finally have some $ in yourpockets to make your own decisions. Still young, but old enough to get the respect. It only gets better my friends.
I matured alot in my time in the Navy. 4 years went by quickly, but when I went in (22) I took nothing of real importance as seriously as I should have. I gotcast astray for a good minute, but I'm definitely on the right track now..and have a committed relationship to a beautiful lady.

In alot of really is a good thing.
I'm gonna be 22 in a few months.
I was looking forward to being 21 for obvious reasons, but now there's nothing for me to look forward to. Everyyear comes with new responsibilities I don't wanna deal with.

I just want to be in high school having fun again.
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