Getting Dunked On Vs Getting Crossed (Which is worse?) Vol: Idk

Oct 10, 2007
Me and my boys was discussing this today. Now my thing is, I have never been dunked on. I either just beat it or just grab them out the air like, " Nuh uhFam, can't let you do that partner." But I have been crossed something dreadful. I'm real fast and everything but I hate guarding bouncy dudeswith the ball. I do not get crossed very often but it is usually the dudes with the bomb change of pace that do it to me. And when it happens I get wackedpretty bad. I always recover because of my speed but in my head I'm embarassed as hell.
. Then my boy, one time we was at the gym and I had a fast break and since it was 2 on 1 heturned around to cover dude cause he knew I was gonna go for the Alley. So instead I drive and dime it ahead as a skip pass to slow him up. Well like a dummyhe goes up with dude and guy dunks on him sooooo baddd. I was like
!!!.It was so loud yo, the sound of him slamming it through the rim was like a plane crashing. The whole gym was like OHHHHHHHHHHHH... Then I just grabbed my bagsand got dressed and went home. It was that serious. To this day I look at him likec
cause I can still smell dudes ball sweat on his head even after 9 months lol... He said itwas the worst feeling he has ever felt. So what do ya'll think, what is worse in your eyes? Geting yanked on some "GET OVER HERE!!!" tip orgetting Poked on??
Dunked on is worse...

cause gettin crossed happens all the time ....but it depends on the severity of the dunk or crossover
Dunked on is worse for me. Because I'm a bigger guy, play the 4 or 5 and rarely go out to guard the smaller faster guys. So if I do, and I get crossed bad,I don't care as much cause I'm expected to be beat.

But I've never been dunked on, at least not on regulation, but that would be much worse because that's my job to guard the bigger guys. Plus dunksaren't as common.
dunked on is definitely worse, but a cross can be pretty devastating in the right circumstance, word to iverson crossing tyronn lue
i think it all depends on the severity of both... i havent been dunked on or crossed, so i dont have an exact knowledge on how either feels lol
it depends, if your a 5'9 guard getting dunk on by a 6'5 dude with bounce, it's not going be as big as a deal as losing your shoes and dude makingyou take 3 steps to the right like were going to do the souljah boy by another guard.
Dunked on is worse.

Plus it feels WAY better to smash on someone than to cross em up. When I dunk on someone real bad I feel like the world is mine for a few minutes.
It's his sig.

Getting dunked on is way worse than getting crossed. Simply because getting dunked on has that wow factor that puts points on the board. I get beat, but I knowthere's help to prevent the basket.
Never been dunked on. Never plan to be. Gotten crossed and it leaves me salty, but you can always recover from it. If a dude throws it down on you *pause*there ain't no recovering from that.
Getting dunked on is worse, but if you get crossed and you fall, oh man you will never stop hearing about that *%%@.
Dunked on, a ton of people can cross.

But how about getting crossed then getting dunked on.
I've crossed people and dunked on them, dunking on people is 1,000 times better.
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