Gamma 11 LC Please Help!

Jan 24, 2014
Hey whats up people. I recently purchased a pair of gamma 11s off eBay. Unfortunately i had to pay $300. The person i bought it from had 90+ positive reviews (deals.for.the.low). But i have my concerns. Bad enough i had to pay extra, i don't want to walk around with fake sneakers. Please LC these for me! Feedback is appreciated thanks!

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I honestly think these are fakes. Some points:

• That indentation on the box first of all is suspicious.

• The "23"s look way too stretched out.

Here are some pics of legit pairs:
Refer to this thread as well, a lot of views and replies have been given to this 11 Gamma thread.

Good luck and don't be afraid to file a claim if you think they are fake.
thanks for the feedback. i returned them i think there fake the craftsmanship on the sneakers was not horrible but not perfect either. hey two questions have you ever heard of i bought a pair of breds 11s they look legit but im just wondering. and do you know of ansites that sell legit js so i wont have to buy via ebay and possibly get fakes.
Yikes...those 23s on the back made me cringe. Fake.
Everybody is correct here. GM's and the jumpman on the box alone is a red flag. To my knowledge, they shouldn't have the box shaped indentation around the jumpman. The 23 on the back just confirms it 100%.
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