Gallbladder/Gallstones problems.

Sep 29, 2004
Ive been having issues with my gallbladder and gallstones. The pain you get, is one of the worse pains ever. Nearly knocks you out.

Doctor says they have to surgically remove the gallbladder to make the pain stop. Ive been ready up on some remedy's and some say, if you

drink EVOO (Extra Virgin Olive Oil) with some lemon, it will help break up the stones and will be pain free.

Have any of you experience anything regarding gallbladder and or gallstones?
Nope. DOnt want to either...

What causes this to happen?

Not drinking enough water?

Too much mountain dew in your diet?
Nope. DOnt want to either...

What causes this to happen?

Not drinking enough water?

Too much mountain dew in your diet?
Doctors have said too much greasy, fatty food.

for the past 10 months, Ive been on clean eating dieting. I dont eat junk food so I dont know what they talking about.

What I do know is that I have a gallbladder full of gallstones that need to be removed. Trying to see if anyone has tried any remedys to get these thing out instead of going the surgery route.
Doctors have said too much greasy, fatty food.

for the past 10 months, Ive been on clean eating dieting. I dont eat junk food so I dont know what they talking about.

What I do know is that I have a gallbladder full of gallstones that need to be removed. Trying to see if anyone has tried any remedys to get these thing out instead of going the surgery route.

man im bout to get some fried chicken tonight too.

So im guessing you had a rough diet?
3 years ago I had my gallbladder removed. Probably the worst pain I have ever endured. Started at about 9pm. Got a terrible pain in my stomach and back. Finally at about midnight, I some how drove myself to the ER. Almost passed out in the waiting room. Doc said I had an infected bladder. Yea, they could have cleaned it out, but it might come back. He recommended to just have it removed. So I chose to have it removed. They actually showed me a picture of it after the surgery. Looked like sand.
3 years ago I had my gallbladder removed. Probably the worst pain I have ever endured. Started at about 9pm. Got a terrible pain in my stomach and back. Finally at about midnight, I some how drove myself to the ER. Almost passed out in the waiting room. Doc said I had an infected bladder. Yea, they could have cleaned it out, but it might come back. He recommended to just have it removed. So I chose to have it removed. They actually showed me a picture of it after the surgery. Looked like sand.
What was the after math? Did they tell you to follow a certain diet? Change your eating habits?
Do you see yourself not being able to eat foods that you would eat prior to surgery?
Yes op. I done it.There's a thread on it with pics.
Link please.
I have stones and I used to have debilitating pain. I would curl up in the fetal position with the worst upper abdominal pain in the world. It would almost always happen at night or in the middle in the night when laying down, and especially on the days I ate really fatty food. It would happen almost daily.

A few years ago I did some kind of olive oil, lemon flush I read about where you literally pound olive oil and lemons for a few hours. It was disgusting and I didn't notice a difference right away after thinking it was BS. I did it once more and felt the same way. Eventually though it started going away, and now I hardly ever get the pains.

Occasionally if I eat something greasy on an empty stomach I do get the pains, and my body just throws it up and I'm usually ok afterwards. Happened to me during my birthday dinner, and at Disneyland. I've learned what my trigger foods are, and I try not to eat heavy within a few hours of going to bed. I also drink a lot of Kombucha (#kombuchagang) and that has helped a lot TBH.

FTR, the one thing that stopped me from getting my gallbladder removed was the slight increase in colon cancer they saw in a study done in the UK.
What was the after math? Did they tell you to follow a certain diet? Change your eating habits?
Do you see yourself not being able to eat foods that you would eat prior to surgery?

Basically to limit or stay away from fatty/greasy foods. Add foods that are high in fiber. Keep up with drinking plenty of water on a daily basis. Not sure if you've read up on it, but a bladder stores bile in it to help aid in digestion, especially with the fatty/greasy foods. Everyone will be different after this surgery in terms of what you can tolerate or the effects. I waited a few months after my surgery to kind of test the waters. I have been able to eat the foods I ate before the surgery, but those types of splurges come far in between. Pizza, burgers, etc... I'll go months without having them. Don't completely deprive yourself of what you like eating, but my recommendation would be to really limit yourself.
I have stones and I used to have debilitating pain. I would curl up in the fetal position with the worst upper abdominal pain in the world. It would almost always happen at night or in the middle in the night when laying down, and especially on the days I ate really fatty food. It would happen almost daily.

A few years ago I did some kind of olive oil, lemon flush I read about where you literally pound olive oil and lemons for a few hours. It was disgusting and I didn't notice a difference right away after thinking it was BS. I did it once more and felt the same way. Eventually though it started going away, and now I hardly ever get the pains.

Occasionally if I eat something greasy on an empty stomach I do get the pains, and my body just throws it up and I'm usually ok afterwards. Happened to me during my birthday dinner, and at Disneyland. I've learned what my trigger foods are, and I try not to eat heavy within a few hours of going to bed. I also drink a lot of Kombucha (#kombuchagang) and that has helped a lot TBH.

FTR, the one thing that stopped me from getting my gallbladder removed was the slight increase in colon cancer they saw in a study done in the UK.
That pain is the worse. The first time (early Jan) I got it during work and I didnt know what was going on. I got home at 530 and left to ER by 6pm. I was actually admitted the first time because my EKG test results were off. They thought I was having a heart attack.

This last time, it happened last week on Thursday morning like at 1230am. I had eaten turkey patties with guac (I didnt think it was a fatty food at all), and I got pain as I was sleeping. I ended up driving myself to the ER. I got there and all they did was inject me with Morphine (twice) and gave me some IV. 5 hours later, I was released.

Ive read about the Olive oil and lemon. Im very tempted to try it. Also heard about APPLE CIDER VINEGAR AND APPLE JUICE remedy. They say to drink this when youre having an episode of pain.

Basically to limit or stay away from fatty/greasy foods. Add foods that are high in fiber. Keep up with drinking plenty of water on a daily basis. Not sure if you've read up on it, but a bladder stores bile in it to help aid in digestion, especially with the fatty/greasy foods. Everyone will be different after this surgery in terms of what you can tolerate or the effects. I waited a few months after my surgery to kind of test the waters. I have been able to eat the foods I ate before the surgery, but those types of splurges come far in between. Pizza, burgers, etc... I'll go months without having them. Don't completely deprive yourself of what you like eating, but my recommendation would be to really limit yourself.
Ive been eating clean and non fatty foods for a while. Occasionally Ill have a burger or a piece of fried chicken but I dont go all out. Ive havent had pizza in over 10 months. I eat pretty healthy.

Since March of 2017 till now, Ive dropped 85 pounds. The doctors say the rapid weight loss might be the cause of the gallstones. HOW THOUGH? I thought eating healthy and losing weight was suppose to help your body and not worsen it.

I have an appointment on thursday with the GI. Want to know what he thinks I should do.
Hopefully your appointment can figure some things out. I wouldn't wish that pain I went through on anybody.
About 3-4 years ago I had pain in my stomach, didn't know what the hell was going on...finally had to go down to the ER because I couldn't take it anymore...they checked and sure enough my gallbladder needed to be removed...I remember waking up from the surgery and being in SO much pain...smh...then i was placed in the ICU because something was going on with my breathing...they showed me a photo of my gallbladder and it was so disgusting...FULL of lil stones...Went home after about 2-3 nights in the hospital and then another week of just being in pain and on the couch at home recovering...the pain meds were nice but barely helped me (and they were strong as F...Oxycontin....)...
About 3-4 years ago I had pain in my stomach, didn't know what the hell was going on...finally had to go down to the ER because I couldn't take it anymore...they checked and sure enough my gallbladder needed to be removed...I remember waking up from the surgery and being in SO much pain...smh...then i was placed in the ICU because something was going on with my breathing...they showed me a photo of my gallbladder and it was so disgusting...FULL of lil stones...Went home after about 2-3 nights in the hospital and then another week of just being in pain and on the couch at home recovering...the pain meds were nice but barely helped me (and they were strong as F...Oxycontin....)...
Thats scary man. Ive had a few surgeries in my life, mostly knee surgery. I always came out of the anesthesia fine. Some times, my hair would hurt or my neck would be cramped up . Nothing like what you described.

I hope this surgery is just like the rest.

The episodes of pain are the absolute worst. I literally felt like dying lol .
Funny you say that because thats the only way to explain the pain.

I have a hard time describing the pain to others. What I say is, "it feels like someone is pressing on your chest and you cant breathe. And the pain is coming from the right side of my rib cage".
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