For Those Of You That Sag Your Jeans: Few Questions

Oct 13, 2001
1. Why?
2. How the hell do you walk normally (if you do, I can't understand how you can)
3. Why?

Sagging jeans has always bothered me. Especially these days when folks sag skinny jeans. Looks tacky and just looks so sheepish.

I already have a blog if you must ask

Happy new year
Originally Posted by ninjahood

saggin a lil >>>>>>>>>>high waisted jordan jeans.
This. Your %%! dont gotta be all out or anything. But Id rather sag them a little then have them pulled up over my bellybutton.
What about just wearing them on your waist like they are meant to be worn? Why is high waisted the only other option?

No possible way they can be more comfortable. I am not buying that for one moment. Maybe that is someone you saggers have to convince yourself
1. It felt more comfortable and it made my outfits look better

2. Your walk changes to fit the way you sag

I no longer sag though, but thats the way i felt about it
depends on the jeans. Even tho, i leaning towards all the 'fitted' clothes, the sag comes naturally, but definatly not with my butt all hangin out
Looks better with my style. Simple as that, i dont let anyone else tell me what to wear or how to wear it so before someone tries to quote this, I will notlisten to you. N yesss looks better in MY opinion still, to me the only one that matters.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

What about just wearing them on your waist like they are meant to be worn? Why is high waisted the only other option?
wearin jeans at your hips >> at ur waist. it just looks better, and these days jeans are pretty much made low rise out da shop.

da "belt line" changes in fashion all da time..its more subtile for guys but wit girls you can see da array they got.
I tend to sag slightly too.

Sometimes it just comes natural, and the jeans I buy already come with the

Sits below the it happens.
I don't like the crotch of my jeans..well..right at my crotch.
it's uncomfortable. at most though... my jeans are 1-2 inches off from my real waistline
I wear my pants on my hips and not around my waist.

Don't really consider that sagging though.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

I don't like the crotch of my jeans..well..right at my crotch.
it's uncomfortable. at most though... my jeans are 1-2 inches off from my real waistline


Dirty sags????????????

Dirtys swag>>DCAllAmericans swag

I sag however I feel comfortable saggin.

How do I walk in saggin jeans? Go try some on and try to walk and see how you fare. Record your little experiment and put it on YouTube so we can have a goodlaugh at you.

Why do people care about other people sagging their pants so much? People are individuals, therefore, they'll do what they want reguardless of what you sayor think. The only way I'd have a problem with someone sagging is if I saw bare skin. And I really wouldnt have a problem with that because I know how touse my eyes and look away, it's easy. Worrying about stuff like this is a waste of your thoughts in my opinion.

I remember listening to the radio and this old-head DJ was on preaching about "young kids these days need to pull their pants up" and how he pulledsome kid asside in a store and told him he needed to pull his pants up and the kid was like "Yes sir" and pulled his pants up. Ok... AND?!! Whatbothered me about this guy and most people that are always crying about people not sagging is that you never give a good reason on why people shouldnt sag.Telling a kid to do something without a reason just results in you being annoying. If the DJ really cared, he would have pulled him aside and said somethinglike this:

"Let me talk to you for a second... You ever think about the way you present yourself? I'll give you some advice, if you present yourself in a neatermanner, you could possibly gain a ton of opportunities than how you're presenting yourself now by letting your pants sag. etc etc etc..."

Try that, and I'll bet you'll get more respect and a better response from any kid you talk to rather than semi-insulting them by barking commands like"you need to pull your pants up" or trying to make them look dumb with mess like "Why do you sag your pants?" That gets you nowhere.

If it aint under your boxer aint swagged up

But uhh honestly, there's nothing wrong with slight sagging, but butt cheekage and all that
. At the end of the day it ain't my pants.
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