Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out

I've been too high and panicked. It looks funny on video but believe me, it's nothing funny about it. Your world is crumbling and you can't make any sense of it. Scary and lonely feeling.
I did salvia at a reggae concert in San Francisco, I blinked and swear to god I’ve never panicked harder. I swear I thought I was gonna die, the world changed in a second.
til this day this is one of the funniest videos i've ever watched:

Yo man, I can’t even tell you how ****** up that is that his boy didn’t tell him that Salvia was not ANYTHING like weed, or probably anything else he’s ever smoked. Its not something that you 1. Do alone or 2. Give to somebody without telling them the effects.
.....once you smoke Salvia, you are no longer on Planet Earth. That’s as literal as it sounds, Planet Earth is no more.
I smoked Salvia once. I was in my upstairs bedroom painting the walls. My windows were open. I swear on my life there was Tweety Bird outside the window telling me to jump, and that jump would teach me how to fly. I tried to jump out of the window. My friend grabbed me, but he was no longer my friend, dude turned into Yosemite Sam. There was a vacuum sweeper in the same room, I legit picked it up because I thought it was a Loony Tune style bazooka, and I was shooting my friend with it so I could fly out the window. When I shot him he exploded on the walls. My windows were gone so I didn’t have a choice to jump/fly out any more so I left the room and was headed downstairs. As I began to walk down my steps, in my head every time I took a step, it raised up to the height of the step above it so I thought I was walking in place(but what really was happening was my friend was holding on to the back of my shirt to keep my from jumping/flying down the stairs.) I was so pissed when the “high” wore off. He had told me that it was weed. I was NOT prepared for what was going to happen. **** is dangerous if you don’t know what it’s about to do to you:
Long story short:
When I did salvia, I legit felt like I was in the pod neo was in when he woke up for the first time. I just kept saying "I'm never going to get out, im never going to get out..." I was tripped out though, It was like I saw the cruelty of existence or existing for the first time. Like we did not sign up to become an earthling but once you get invited, you are here to stay until you die or take your life or something.
Until i calmed down. But i had good people around me.
I smoked salvia once too. It was amazing for the 15 minutes it lasted. Everything I saw was animated and I was in cartoon land.
Then when it ended I threw up everywhere
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