Folks Need To Be Tested BEFORE Having Kids

Oct 13, 2001
So I went to the "Univer-Soul" Circus last night, and it was a very entertaining show, but one thing throughout the show bothered me.

Two rows in front of me was this little girls (probably no more than
, and ANYTIME a song was played, this girl would act like she was in some type of stripclub. I mean this girl was sticking her butt out, "poppin it", slow grinding and just thought she was a stripper basically. THe thing that made memad? Her mother was sitting RIGHT there encouraging it all. Her mother was probably in her early 20s.

So there comes a point in the show where they called "kids" onto the stage for a dance-off. So guess who RUNS down to the front to be in the contest.Yes, the little stripper.

So first the ring-master introduces the 3 girls by name, and ALL three of them have hood names (thats another issue in itself), and once "the girl"gets announced, her mother is screaming to the top of her lungs. I am saying to myself, "Oh man."

So the music starts and the little girl just goes crazy. Doing splits and her "normal" routine. Her mother is cheering her on.
. People in the crowd had thisdisgusted look on their faces, but for the most part, people were encouraging it.

Anybody that knows me knows that I hate foolishness like that. I swear to god I wanted to punch her mother right between the eyes. It was almost as if she wasPROUD of her daughter.

"We" need to do better is all I am going to say.

Everyone doesn't need to be able to have kids man
Originally Posted by lurkin2long

what was the lil girls name?

lexus, mercedes, or porshia?
Miyeesha or something like that man. I dont know when folks will learn
You Sir have just described my 25 year old sister and her 2 daughters. I can't stand that @%#*, it makes me sick to my stomach when I see my 6 and 3 y/onieces dressed like they're auditioning for the new T-pain video. On top of that they dance like they work at Harlem Knights on 2 for 20 table dancenights. Disgusting. What 6 y/o should be p-popping? No a damn one.
Originally Posted by superuntouchable

You Sir have just described my 25 year old sister and her 2 daughters. I can't stand that @%#*, it makes me sick to my stomach when I see my 6 and 3 y/o nieces dressed like they're auditioning for the new T-pain video. On top of that they dance like they work at Harlem Knights on 2 for 20 table dance nights. Disgusting. What 6 y/o should be p-popping? No a damn one.
Have you respectfully tried to explain the problems with her situation?
For everyday p-poppin Myeesha, there is a book reading Michelle and I find comfort in that.
Originally Posted by Rico x Hood

For everyday p-poppin Myeesha, there is a book reading Michelle and I find comfort in that.
Man the Myeesha's EASILY outnumber the Michelles (in the black community)
My ex got some younger chick pregnant...I feel bad for the way their kid is gonna turn out...his immaturity is what produces Myeesha's. smh

and if they have a boy, that kid's gonna be just as messed up as my ex...the cycle continues...
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by Rico x Hood

For everyday p-poppin Myeesha, there is a book reading Michelle and I find comfort in that.
Man the Myeesha's EASILY outnumber the Michelles (in the black community)

aw man why it take it there

Myeesha couldve been a white girl for all i know
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by Rico x Hood

For everyday p-poppin Myeesha, there is a book reading Michelle and I find comfort in that.
Man the Myeesha's EASILY outnumber the Michelles (in the black community)

aw man why it take it there

Myeesha couldve been a white girl for all i know

A white Myeesha at the Univer-Souuuuuuuuuuuul Circus. Not probable.

All I'm going to say the new generation is going to be happy. By the 4th and 5th grade, they are going to be getting it crackin with the neighborhood jumpoff.
Is this really a new phenomenon? I'm one of the older NTers and I KNOW there were chicks doing this kinda stuff when I was a kid.

You think loose broads just turn loose when they get to be 18? And how long have loose broads been around? For a loooong time and not just in the blackcommunity. Sometimes it's bad parenting and too much TV (BET), sometimes sexual abuse and sometimes lil' girls are just nasty.

In this case though, it is the mother's fault. I wouldn't just pin this on the black community although it is embarrassing and far too common.
Universoul Circus....that was your first mistake. I saw a little girl in the tattoo parlor dancing the same exact way while her mom was getting her navelpierced. All I could do is shake my head and vow to never let my future daughter carry on like that.
Originally Posted by General Johnson

Is this really a new phenomenon? I'm one of the older NTers and I KNOW there were chicks doing this kinda stuff when I was a kid.

You think loose broads just turn loose when they get to be 18? And how long have loose broads been around? For a loooong time and not just in the black community. Sometimes it's bad parenting and too much TV (BET), sometimes sexual abuse and sometimes lil' girls are just nasty.

In this case though, it is the mother's fault. I wouldn't just pin this on the black community although it is embarrassing and far too common.
So because I make a post about it means I think it is something new?

Originally Posted by JD Turk

Universoul Circus....that was your first mistake.
Free tickets, I had never been before
I put it on my grandmothers daughter that I will beat the @+%$ out of my daughter the 1st time she attempts to place her hands on her knees and gyrate... ICan't Go!!!

I was at a pic nic in Washington Park for those of you familiar with Chicago, and they a 15x15ft mat out there for the kids to dance on and every single one ofthem were twerkin.
With there parents right there looking at them/egg'n them on and whatnot... It was a girl who din't appear to be any older than 6throwing it to the south, standing straight legged wiggling her lil rear, dropping in to splits poppin, all the while the MC is on the microphone hyping it andpromoting it, the whole scene made me sick to my stomache. I wanted to snatch the mic and go into a Huey from boondocks esque speech.

Originally Posted by General Johnson

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

So because I make a post about it means I think it is something new?

Clearly, I was looking to start an e beef with you and knew that you'd get sensitive about my response. So I cleverly stated, without stating that you think it's something new.

Where did I say that you making a post about it means you think it's something new? Calm down and stop being so quick to fight. I was just stating my piece.

My thoughts have nothing to do with you my dude.
I see this way too often in my family and wherever I go. The funny thing is that the moms think this is acceptable or funny. I just
and keep it movin. Myneice babysits kids during the day and she be laughin and thinks its funny when these little girls be girating and what not.

But my theory holds true....hoodrats grow up and remain hoodrats and produce hoodrats.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Sad behavior and pathetic parent(s). I've never been to the"Univer-soul" circus and NEVER will go as I would feel very uncomfortable being there anyway. This %@%% makes me cringe though. I wonder if theselosers have any idea that they are raising their kids to become failures?[/color]
the cycle is bound to repeat itself....she is gonna be a young mom and let her child do the samethings.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by Rico x Hood

For everyday p-poppin Myeesha, there is a book reading Michelle and I find comfort in that.
Man the Myeesha's EASILY outnumber the Michelles (in the black community)
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]That's what media wants you to think....i know more blk college students thenthugs[/color]
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by superuntouchable

You Sir have just described my 25 year old sister and her 2 daughters. I can't stand that @%#*, it makes me sick to my stomach when I see my 6 and 3 y/o nieces dressed like they're auditioning for the new T-pain video. On top of that they dance like they work at Harlem Knights on 2 for 20 table dance nights. Disgusting. What 6 y/o should be p-popping? No a damn one.
Have you respectfully tried to explain the problems with her situation?
On numerous occasions, its like talking to a brick wall. She thinks its cute for her daughters (along with her 2 even younger sons) to act likehood rats.
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